Chapter 16 - Green-Eyed Monster

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Most of the crew seemed to have accepted Declan, to Ed's utter dismay.

Wee John started out with his heckles up, but eventually the man's laconic sense of humour and willingness to take on shit jobs won him over. Buttons gave him a long stink-eye before declaring him not cursed, whatever that meant. He won over Roach by helping with KP duty. He spoke a little Swedish, which delighted the Swede. He fixed the strap on Frenchie's lute, and made repairs on Fang and Ivan's leather accessories. The jury was out with the others, but they didn't seem to hate him, at least.

Even Izzy seemed to accept him. Declan deferred to him and didn't challenge his authority as First Mate, and didn't push back when the much shorter man gave him orders.

In the end, the only ones who remained suspicious of the new arrival were Lucius (even Pete had been won over), and Jim. By extension, Oluwande was also Team Anti-Declan. The man liked pretty much everyone, so he relied on Jim's instincts.

And Jim, at least, did not like Declan, which was a relief to Ed. Lucius was, as he realized, biased and invested in him and Stede. Which was sweet, in a way that made him vaguely uncomfortable.

"Republic of Pirates within the hour, Cap'ns," said Mr. Buttons from his place at the bow of the ship as he lowered a spyglass down from his eye.

"Thank you Mr. Buttons," said Ed. "Right. Em, so, Stede has some things to tell you all." He stood next to the other man, his thumbs looped in his belt loops. Declan stood nearby and he shot the man a look.

Stede clambered ungracefully up onto a barrel and used Ed's shoulder for support. "Ah, hello everyone! I've got a bit of an announcement! As part of me leaving the past behind, I had to fake my own death, and in the process, give up my fortune."

There was a murmur of surprise that echoed around the deck.

"But don't worry! I have enough in my reserves to pay you your regular wage until the end of the month. However, that means that if you want to keep receiving your wage, we do need to pick up work while we're docked. I need everyone here to work their contacts and beat the bushes for some legit...well...not legit, but em..." Stede looked to Ed for help.

Ed cleared his throat and stepped up. "We need contracts. Rumours of prizes. Routes of merchant ships. There are information brokers on shore. I know some of you know this score. Some of you are real pirates."

"Hey," echoed the Swede defensively from the far back.

Ed rumbled an apology, then continued, "We don't want the coffers to run dry. So everyone here has to work to fill them. Understood?"

"So em,, Stede-Captain, are you...broke?" asked Lucius, holding up a quill. He was taking notes for the meeting.

"Not...entirely," Stede replied. "My wife...well, I suppose, ex-wife, has provided me with an allowance that should cover the ship's upkeep. But it won't pay your wages. Which takes some of the pressure off, but not all of it. This is a new challenge, but one I'm sure you're all.."

And then a sudden wind came out of nowhere to catch the sails. Ed tried to move forward to help Stede, but Declan was closer. He fell directly into the man's arms.

"Oi, Bons. Watch your step." Despite Stede not being an especially small man, Declan seemed to have bared his weight easily. He righted him and dusted off the front of Stede's jacket.

Ed felt his eye twitch. Especially when it looked like Declan copped a feel on Stede's backside as he set him right.

"Thank you, Declan. That was foolish of me, to stand all the way up there, wasn't it?" Stede said with a flourish.

The Accidental Seduction of Edward Teach by Stede Bonnet, Gentleman PirateWhere stories live. Discover now