Chapter 24 - As a Crew

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The crew of the Revenge was assembled on deck. They'd spent the last hour discussing the various leads the crew had found for work. There were some promising suggestions, which surprised Ed. Things would be a bit patchwork and it would be tight, but they would be able to pay everyone and keep supplied for the next few months.

But there was still the immediate problem of Ed's damaged reputation.

And as much as he very much hated to admit it, Declan had come up with a pretty good idea.

"All right. Thank you, Frenchie. We'll look forward to that escort mission up the coast. And thanks to Mister Feeney, we have cargo to haul on the way back, which is certainly very efficient. Well done, all!" said Stede cheerfully.

There was a smattering of light applause.

"Now, before we break, there is another matter we should discuss," said Stede. He motioned to Ed.

Ed tried to let Stede run the meetings. He was better at motivating the crew, for one, and it helped create an united front. But he understood why his partner wanted him to speak in this case. He cleared his throat.

"So, since gossip travels faster than a fart in a closed bunkhouse, you likely all know the details of what happened on shore," Ed hitched his fingers into the loops of his belt. There was a bit of a chuckle through the crew at his euphemism. He looked down at his shoes and paced the deck. "It's recently been brought to my attention that the reason we've been able to sail without being the target of the British or other pirates, is my reputation. Which means it's important to all of us that it stays intact."

Ed let his gaze slip over to Lucius, who was uncharacteristically, towards the back of the crowd and mostly silent as he took meeting notes. The scribe caught his eye only for a moment before looking away.

"There's no point in shaming anyone," said Ed carefully. "But it's a good wake-up call. When we're in port, if you talk about me, if anyone asks about me, I am a bloodthirsty menace you're all terrified of. All right? Just think back to how you thought of me before we all met, and..." he gestured vaguely.

There were sounds of understanding and nods from the crew. A few people looked towards Lucius, but no one spoke up to shame him.

"But unfortunately, the attack on me and Stede was a direct result of some loose lips. So word is already out among a certain sector that we might be vulnerable. And that's something we need to fix." Ed squared his shoulders, sighed a little, and glanced at Stede, who gave him an encouraging look. "Declan..." he bit the man's name out, "...has an idea."

And then Ed very reluctantly conceded the floor to the other man.

Declan hesitated before stepping forward, in front of his new crewmates. He lifted a hand awkwardly. "Uh, hi. So, em, so when I was in town looking for Stede, I overheard some people talking. Privateers captured one of the ships flying under the banner of Captain Greaves, who I'm told is kind of a big deal. The crew are set to be sold into slavery or hanged."

"Bastards," muttered Roach. "I know some men who sail under Greaves. He's supposed to be a good one."

"I've met him, and it's true. He was born a slave himself, so he hates slavers with a passion and avoids cruelty," said Ed. What he didn't tell the crew was that the two of them crossed blades on more than one occasion, and that Greaves had prevented Ed himself from some acts of cruelty during his darkest days.

"So, how does this help your reputation if we stop them?" asked the Swede.

"Fuck his reputation. We're going after these assholes, right?" said Jim from where they were perched on the edge of the railing.

Ed held up a hand to stop the torrent of conversation that had started. "That's why this is a good lead. We can help out some of our fellow pirates and take out some slaving privateers. Which, if we're terrifying enough about it, should help fix my reputation. And maybe make a friend in Greaves so we have an ally in case it doesn't."

The Accidental Seduction of Edward Teach by Stede Bonnet, Gentleman PirateWhere stories live. Discover now