Chapter 1

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English Louis Tomlinson was a normal 17 (almost 18) year old lad. He loved to play football with his best mate Zayn. He hated going to school; like most of the kids his age. On his 18th birthday party some of Zayn's friend invite them to smoke some weed. Louis didn't wanted but Zayn and his friends convinced him to by telling him that it wasn't addicted. So Louis did; he smoked weed for the first time in his life. After that smoking weed was like playing football for him and Zayn. They did it on a daily basis. Zayn's friend used to get them the weed but when Zayn had a problem with one of them they had to go and buy it by themselves on the ghetto part of London. The first time was terrifying; everybody stared at them wondering what two middle class boys were doing at the ghetto part of London.

"Do you know where I can find George?" Zayn asked to a guy who seemed to be more high than Mountain Everest.

"He's not gonna tell us Zee." Louis said; looking around the place. "Let's just keep walking."

So that's what they did, they kept walking until a big guy stopped them.

"What are you doing here?" The big guy said in a annoyed tone.

"I'm looking for George." Zayn said; pausing a little bit to take a deep breath. "I'm here to buy some weed."

"You're at the wrong place ...."

"Cam, let them in!" A voice came form behind the big guy.

"Come on." He said; walking to the side to let them get inside.

Zayn and Louis walked inside the place, it looked like a normal room. They kept walking until they saw a desk in front of them. There was also a leather chair facing to the wall in front of them. Louis stepped closer to Zayn when the chair turned around. In the chair was a handsome guy; in her middle twenties starring at them. He looked at Zayn and then at Louis. He spent more time in Louis; smirking at him when Louis made eye contact with him.

"So?" George said in a raspy voice.

"Hmm ..." Zayn cleared his throat. "We're here to buy some weed."

"Who sent you?" George asked; his eyes still clue in Louis.

"Chase." Zayn said; holding his breath.

"Oh! So you must be Zayn and Louis." George smirked again. "The rich boys he bought the weed for."

"Yeah that's us, but we're not rich." Zayn specified.

"Oh." George said again. "What a shame." He licked his lips.

"So can we have some?" Louis spoke for the first time.

"Of course." George said smiling at him.

George got a small bag from the drawer of his desk. He looked back at Louis and place the bag delicately in his hand. Louis stared at him; pulling his hand away when he felt the little bag in his hand.

"How much?" Zayn asked; trying to break the silence.

"50 pounds."

Zayn took the money out his pocket and handled to George. Zayn made a signal to Louis to walk and he understood. When they were far away from the place they smoked their weed. After that their visits to that place were more frequent. George kept staring at Louis which bother him just a little bit. In one of their visits George asked Louis on a date; Louis laughed at first but when he noticed George's serious face he agreed. He really liked George and come on, he was the one who gave them the weed so it was even better. George and Louis started dating a few months after their first date. Everything seemed amazing; Louis and Zayn would get high at his place and sometimes he also got high with them. On their first year anniversary George asked Louis to marry him and Louis accepted. He was in love with George so he thought why not. They got marry and Louis moved in with him at his flat in a nice neighborhood in London. Zayn was happy for him; he saw Louis happy and that was enough for him.

On their second anniversary George asked Louis to have a baby with him. Louis accepted delighted; he always wanted to form a family and apparently George though that same thing. The next two months after that Louis and George worked hard on getting Louis pregnant and when it happened Louis couldn't be more happier. George almost passed out when Louis told him the news. They went to Louis' appointments every month; they love to see their love baby growing in Louis' belly. When they were able to hear the baby's heart beat Louis' heart beat stopped for a second. George held Louis' hand as they heard the fast heart beat coming from the monitor.

When Dr. Swan told them it was a baby boy George pleased Louis with his cravings even more. If Louis wanted cookies and cream ice cream in the middle of the night he would get up and went to the store to buy it. Sometimes Louis was so horny and wanted to have sex all the time; George also pleased him on that.

George never stopped selling drugs and Louis knew it but he just couldn't say anything about it because that was what brought food to their table. Louis wanted to talk to George about working after having the baby but he knew George wouldn't accept because he said that Louis was a house wife and he had to take care of his husband and baby boy.

Zayn kept visiting him and he always brought something for the baby boy on every visit. Sometimes he talked to Louis' belly saying he was uncle Zayn. Louis smiled at Zayn's action, sometimes he cries because of the hormones but they were happy tears.

When Louis was 8 month pregnant he and George started talking about the names.

"What do you want to name him?" Louis asked; caressing his belly.

"William." George smiled. "Like you."

"No." Louis shook his head. "Let's not do that to the baby." He laughs.

"What about Alex!?" George asked.

"Alexander!?" Louis whispered.

"Yeah, Alexander Wood Tomlinson." George caressed his husband's belly.

The baby kicked at the reaction and Louis didn't do anything to keep it to himself.

"I think he likes the name." Louis said; trying to even his breath.

"Do you like your name baby boy!?" George said in a childish voice.

Alex kicked again and Louis smiled. "I think he loves it."

Twenty days after that Louis' water broke and George drove him to the emergency room. Alexander Wood Tomlinson born in a sunny day; June 17. The baby had George's hair, Louis' bottom nose, and he was so tiny. Louis was afraid he could brake little Alex at any moment. Zayn visited him the same day Alex born. Zayn was amazed how much Alex looked like George.

Louis went back home a week after Alex's birth and that's when things started changing. George never looked at him the same way; he never acted with him like he used to when he was pregnant. There was a time when George told Louis to lose the baby weight because he looked disgusted. Louis cried all night long in the washroom. When Alex was 6 months old it was hard for Louis to keep him quite. One day George came home from work and Alex was crying so much that George screamed at Louis. He told him to shut him the fuck up or he was going to shut him permanently. Louis tried to calm Alex with the feeding bottle but nothing worked and that was when George grabbed him by his forearm and throw him against the floor. He started abusing him physically and verbally. George took Alex in his arms and calmed him. When Alex was sleeping in his crib he went back to the living room where Louis was still crying.

"You're so lucky we have him or otherwise I would have left you already." He said before slamming their bedroom's door.

After that George kept beating Louis for everything that he did wrong (according to George) was something done on a daily basis.


So chapter one I here!
This story will literally melt your heart!
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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Love eww xx

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