Chapter 30

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As soon as they get to London Zayn lets Fizz to put his things on his room. He tells her is only for a few days since he's going to ask for a 3 bedroom flat.

"I can't do that," Fizzy says as she sits on the couch.

"You need to rest," Zayn smiles at her. "It's not only you anymore."

Fizzy rubs his small bump; she's not showing that much just yet. She smiles as she imagines how tiny her son/daughter is. She wonders if the baby will look like her or the bastards who raped her. She tries not to think about it; she wants to love her baby with everything she can, she wants her baby to believe that he/she was made with love but unfortunately something happened to daddy.

"Fizz?" Zayn's voice gets her out of her train of thoughts. "Everything okay?"

"Yes," Fizzy smiles. "I'm just thinking about the baby."

"Oh!" Zayn smiles at her. "Have you think about names or anything?"

Fizzy smiles at him fondly; she thinks is too soon to think about it but she had. After her talk with Louis on the 22nd she hasn't done anything else than think about her baby's name.

"I know you're barely 3 months but ...."

"I have a few names already." Fizzy says; interrupting him.

"Really?" Zayn asks excited.

"Yeah," Fizzy nods. "If it's a boy I want to name him Jason or Ethan or Jacob... and if it's a girl I want to name her Jareau or Louise ..."

"We're not doing that!" Louis' comes from his room. "We're not naming her Louise!"

"I'm the mother," Fizzy says in a sassy tone. "And I'll name her Louise if it's a girl and Louis if it's a boy!"

"Poor baby," Louis sighs; shaking his head. "I like the name Jareau," He adds as he types on his phone, "And here it says that your name of Jareau gives you the ability to be creative along practical lines of endeavour. Your ideas can be very original and inventive."

"Nice," Zayn says with a big smile. "Looks like we're having another artist in the family."

"And Ethan means strong and optimistic, solid and enduring, permanent." Louis says; reading it out of his phone.

"It's settle then, if it's a girl her name will be Louise Jareau and if it's a boy his name will be Ethan Jacob." Fizzy says; rubbing his tummy.

"I'll get you an appointment with Dr. Swan, she's my doctor she helped me out with my two pregnancies...."

"Two pregnancies?" Fizzy asks confused.

"Hmmm .... Well I'll be in my room; getting my things out of the way." Zayn says; smiling at Louis and Fizzy.

"Two pregnancies?" Fizzy asks again when Zayn is on his room.

"Yeah," Louis smiles at her weakly. "I lost the second one," He says in a barely audible whispers.

"I'm so sorry," Fizzy whispers as she stands up to wrap her arms around him. "I'm sorry."

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