Chapter 33

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On Monday, February 16 Louis, Alex and Zayn take Fizzy to her 20 week scan. All of them are excited because they're finally knowing the gender. Louis and Zayn want a girl so bad, Fizzy wants a girl too but if it's a boy she will love him the same.

"Do you have the car keys, her papers and Alex's nappy bag?" Zayn asks to Louis who's going crazy gathering everything Zayn just said.

"Yes," Louis sighs. "Take Alex and buckle him up."

Louis walks to the door and closes it. Fizzy chuckles; trying not to laugh because Louis hasn't even notice she's still inside.

"Wait!" Zayn says; making Louis to turn around to look at him. "Where's Fizz?"

Louis looks inside the flat again where Fizzy is laughing her head off.

"You guys need to calm down," She says holding her stomach.

"Come on miss! We can't wait anymore!" Louis rushes her.

Fizzy rolls her eyes at him as she walks to the car where Zayn has the door open for her and closes when Fizzy is inside. Fizzy seats with Alex in the back seat, and Louis and Zayn in front. 40 minutes later they make it to Dr. Swan office. The traffic was crazy and Louis almost curses out a guy who cut in front of them.

"Hello guys." Dr. Swan greet them.

"Hi Dr. Swan" Fizzy smiles follow by Zayn and Louis' hello's.

"And I'm guessing all of you are going to be there with us today," She adds in a fondly tone.

"Yes!" Louis says excited. "We want to know if we're having a niece or a nephew."

"Lets go inside then!" Dr. Swan says as she walks to the room where she's going to do the scan.

Like last time, Fizzy lays down on the bed and pulls her shirt up. Her bump is showing more than last time and Louis almost cries when he sees it. Zayn cuddles him and Alex looks a them confused but doesn't say anything. Dr. Swan gets the tube and pours it on Fizzy's bump. Everybody's eyes are on the screen and when Fizzy's baby comes on it Zayn and Louis let out a few tears.

"It's so tiny." Louis says in a soft tone.

"Look at that!" Zayn says with glassy eyes. "That's beautiful!"

"She's beautiful," Dr. Swan corrects him. "Congratulations, you're having a beautiful girl."

All of them cuddle Fizzy.

"Everything is going how it suppose to go," Dr. Swan says making them to separate. "Here you can see her feet and well the female part." She adds; pointing at the screen.

"Hello there Louise Jareau," Louis says to Fizzy's bump. "I'm uncle Louis ...."

"And I'm uncle Zayn." Zayn says like if the baby can understand already.

"Uncle Zazu!" Alex says; making them laugh.

"Can she call him uncle Zazu, too?" Fizzy asks to him; knowing that Alex is the only one who calls Zayn "Zazu".

"Yes, he is her uncle Zazu too!" Alex says; clapping his little fists.

"Good," Fizzy smiles to him. "Can I have pictures of this ultrasound please?" She says to Dr. Swan.

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