Chapter 22

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The first night that Alex sleeps without Louis he can't sleep at all. He's cold, he's hungry but most of all he misses his papa. George offered him food early but he wasn't hungry, now he's starving and cold. He wants to hear Louis singing the night night song to him. For some reason that song makes him feel safe and secure. He would asks George to sing it to him but he doesn't know the song.

"Alex?" George calls him from the driver's seat.

"Huh?" He says in a sleepy tone from the back seat.

At least George had a chair to seat him in the back seat of the old car he's driving.

"I thought you were sleeping already."

Alex smiles at him weakly; he looks at the window. He doesn't recognize anything around him. George has been driving for a few hours since he got Alex from Zayn's flat. His plan is to stay at his grandma's house on the countryside. Nobody knows about his grandma's house; not even Louis so he knows that's the last place where they're going to look for them.

"Daddy?" Alex breaks the silence.

"Yes, big boy?"

"Where papa?"

George takes a deep breath, "He's okay, he's going to be with us soon. " He lies, George knows Louis won't go back to him.

"Okay," Alex says as he leans his head on the chair.

When George finally gets to town he's happy to see that nothing has change here. He used to come to his grandma's house every summer when he was younger; he spent the days playing in the big fields and sometimes he helped his granddad to feed the chickens. The houses are far away from each other and neighbors aren't as gossips like in the city. George also decided to arrive at the house when it's already dark because the people go to sleep early.

"Big boy." George says as he opens Alex's door.

"Papa here?" He asks looking around.

"No," George smiles at him. "It's only me and you for now but he's coming soon." He lies again.

The house is cold and Alex's shivering in George's arms. He turns on the lights and see the fire place. He knows his grandparents have never used it so he doesn't know for sure if it works.

"Stay here." He says to Alex as he leaves him on the couch. "I'm going to get us warm."

He goes outside to get some wood or something to light up the fire place. He comes back and add the wood to the fire place, when it's getting warmer George sits next to Alex to cuddle.

"Hungry?" George asks; stroking Alex's hair.

"Yes, please."

"Mac and cheese."

"Yes, please." Alex says again.

George gets up and goes to the kitchen to make mac and cheese. They have dinner and after that George puts  two of the big couches together to make a bed in the family room. It will be warmer there than in the rooms upstairs. Alex feels weird to have a tough big body cuddling him instead of Louis' petite body.

The next morning when Alex wakes up the family room is warm enough and his daddy is making cocholate (chocolate) chip pancakes. George smiles at him when he notices Alex looking at him.

"Are you hungry big boy?" George asks as he puts some pancakes in a plate. "The chocolate chip pancakes are ready."

"Yes!" Alex claps his little fists together. "I hungry."

"Come here and have some pancakes then."

After breakfast Alex asks George to go to the park. He does his best to explain to him that there aren't park in the countryside, but there are big fields where he can run and play all he wants.

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