Chapter 7

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Two hours later Louis is parking on his favorite coffee shop's parking lot. He unbuckles Alex and right after that they make their way to the coffee shop. Louis looks around and notices that Zayn isn't there yet.

"Uncle Zazu?" Alex asks curious; tapping on Louis' chest.

"He's not here yet," Louis says; walking to the line to order. "But don't worry he'll be here soon."

"Okay." Alex says in a sleepy tone, burring his face on his chest.

Louis waits until a smiley girl asks him to what he wants to eat. Louis order his usual; he buys Zayn a vanilla cappuccino with a chocolate cake. He pays and gets his receipt; making his way to the tables in the back. A few minutes later Zayn makes his way to the table where Louis and Alex are sitting.

"I'm sorry I'm late," Zayn says; lacing a kiss on top of Alex's little head.

"Uncle Zazu!" Alex says before Louis can even say hi.

"Hey little monster!" Zayn says in a childish voice; pinching his cheek.

"Hey Zee." Louis says; smiling at the tender scene in front of him.

"Hey mate, how are you?" Zayn asks; checking if Louis has new bruises.

"I'm good, really good actually." Louis smiles. "And you?"

"I'm good, too." Zayn smiles; sitting in front of him. "Not good as you but I can't complain."

"Guest order 346!" A raspy voice says and Louis stands up fast; regretting it a few minutes later when the pain to his rear area comes back.

"Are you okay?" Zayn asks; raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Louis fakes a smile as he keeps walking to the counter.

Zayn keeps staring at Louis when he walks to the counter and when he walks back. Louis rolls his eyes at him; letting him know that he's annoying him.

"What?" Louis asks; placing the tray on the table.

"You're limping." Zayn says in a serious tone. "Don't tell me he's r...."

"Zayn!" Louis interrupts him before Zayn can say anything else. "What!? No!"

"Look, I know I'm doing an Art degree but believe me when I tell you it's not to late for me to start a Law degree." Zayn says; examining every thing Louis does. "I know I won't be the best lawyer but hey believe me when I say I won't let him hurt you or Alex."

Louis' heart swells with tenderness at Zayn's words. He knows he always can count with Zayn; he knows he always is going to be there for him and Alex, but to hear him say that he could start a Law degree for him is something else. Zayn doesn't know about George hurting him physically; well he does but Louis always tell him that George is changing and today won't be the exception.

"Zayn! Don't worry!" He smiles. "He's changing!"

"You had say that before." Zayn says in a cold tone.

"I know but this time is for real." Louis says; trying to control his emotions. "Yesterday was our 5th anniversary and ...."

"Don't tell me, as gift he beat you up."

"Zayn!" Louis says; not wanting to show him how much those words are hurting him. "No, he didn't." Louis whispers.

"That's the least he can do." Zayn says; clutching his hands in front of himself.

"He made love to me." Louis says; in an almost audible whisper.

Both of them stay in silence; looking at each other. Zayn gives him a half smile; knowing that he can't always decide for Louis. Alex makes am airplane noise that make both of them laugh.

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