Chapter 34

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Jareau (Fizzy still argues with Louis that is Louise not Jareau) and Fizzy go home 3 days later. Louis and Zayn are freaking out; they're extra careful with both of them. Harry spends more time with them since he's the one taking care of Alex most of the time. Alex doesn't really mind because Harry is so nice with him and he knows Louis and Zaym have to take care of Jareau since she's so small. Zayn and Louis did the last minute details to Jareau's side of the room when Fizzy was still at the hospital. They bought the lamp, they added a few more staff animals and a few more decorations on the walls.

"You're going to love it!" Zayn squeals. "The room is perfect!"

"I bet," Fizzy says in a sarcastic tone; rolling her eyes. She doesn't do it to be mean though.

"Louis and I added the things that were missing and it's just perfect..."

"Thank you guys," Fizzy adds with tears in her eyes. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome." Louis cuddles her and Jareau tight. "I love you guys."

"I love you too." Fizzy whispers back.

"Come on! Let's go inside before Harry and Alex think that something happen to us." Zayn rushes them out of the car.

"Help her out I'll get Jareau." Louis says; openning the door and getting the baby car seat with a tiny Jareau in it. "You'll love your new home." He whispers to the little girl who only giggles to his words. "You're going to love everything uncle Zayn and I did for your room...."

"Come on Louis!" Zayn screams; making both of them giggle.

"Let's go before uncle Zayn and your mama lose their mind."

Louis make his way to the flat; Harry smiles when he sees him. Alex runs to his side to see Jareau.

"She's eating her hand Papa," Alex frowns confused.

"Babies do that a lot when they're this age." Louis explains; placing the baby car seat on the couch.

"I did it?" Alex gasps.

"Yes," Louis nods. "But it's a normal thing to do."

"It's weird." Alex says; wrinkling his nose.

"Sometimes she will replace her hand with his little foot too."

"I'm just going to give her a pacifier." Alex decides; making them laugh.

"Can we show you the room now?" Zayn interrupts them.

"Let's see the room." Fizzy smiles at them as she makes her way to the room.

Zayn opens the door for her and she gasps when she sees the final result.

"It's beautiful, I love it!" She squeals.

"I told you, duh!" Zayn laughs.

"Thank you guys." Fizzy hugs them.


On September 1st Alex is excited to start school. Louis not so much but he doesn't want to let him see that. Going to school (like a big boy) is everything Alex had talk about during the last month.

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