Chaper 12

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Harry makes his way to the party; holding a medium side box in his hands. Louis smiles at him nervously; Zayn looks at him confused.

"What's he doing here?" Zayn whispers for only him and Louis to hear.

"I don't know." He mouths; shaking his head.

"Hi Louis," Harry says smiling at them. "Hey there birthday boy." He looks at Alex; caressing his cheek.

"Hey." Louis smiles. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm just visiting the park like always." Harry shrugs. "And here's is the surprise surprise I promised you for being a good boy."

Alex gasps, making the most adorable face in history. Trisha, Zayn, Louis and Harry laughs; seeing him so excited.

"What is?" He asks making grabby hands to the box.

"Why don't you open it?" Harry says; putting the box right in front of him.

Alex opens the box reveal a white fluffy kitten. Alex's eyes go wide; admiring the fluffy kitten. He pats him gently; feeling him purring under his touch.

"Papa shaking." Alex says scared; pointing at the kitten with wide eyes. He hides his face on Trisha's neck.

"No," Harry smiles. "That's something he always do, it means he likes you."

"Are you lying to him to make him feel better." Louis whispers; frowning at him.

"No," Harry shakes his head. "It actually means that."

"Alex?" Louis tries to get his attention. "It's .... baby, he's okay."

"He is?" Alex asks; making a pout face.

"Yes baby, look!" Louis gets the box from Harry's hands to show him. "See?"

"Fuffy." He says; caressing the kitten again.

"Louis!?" George says in a surprised tone; he doesn't know who is the other guy with his husband and his child.

"Hey." Louis fakes a smile. "Come." He says; knowing that even if he doesn't invite him he will come anyways to see what's happening.

"Hi," George says to Trisha.

"Hello." She smiles.

"Who is he?" George asks; looking at Harry.

"I'm Harry." Harry smiles; staring at George.

"I'm George." He smirks; pulling Louis by his waist. "Louis' husband."

"Nice to meet you." Harry keeps the beautiful smile in his face. "I'm his friend."

"Oh really?" George asks curious.

"Yeah." Harry smirks.

Louis knows where this is going so he decides to interfere. "Everything okay?" He asks; trying to have George's attention.

"Yeah, I was just missing my lovely husband." He says caressing his cheek. "And our baby."

"Daddy look fuffy." Alex says; showing him the box.

"Huh?" George asks; looking at Louis.

"'Ally give me." Alex explains excited. "My fuffy."

"So you're 'Ally ...." George says; looking at Harry from head to toe.

"George!" One of George's family screams. "Come, mum's here!"

"Going," He says; taking Alex from Trisha's arms. "Let's go Louis."

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