Chapter 19

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The next day Louis wakes up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes around the flat. His stomach makes a loud noise; making him giggles. He looks around and remembers where he is. He looks at Alex who's still sleeping at his side. Last night when George and he finished the conversation Louis came to the room, even though it was too early to go to sleep he lay there with Alex. He thought about what he and George talked about; he knows he still loves him but now that he had realized that George isn't changing he knows he isn't coming back. He shakes his head trying to get rid of the thoughts. He lays next to Alex and cuddle him, that's how he wants to stay for the rest of his life. Alex rubs his eyes; making a grumpy face.

"Morning sunshine." Louis whispers in a sweet tone to his ear.

Alex blinks a few time before opening his eyes completely; he gives Louis a big smile when he sees him next to him. "Papa!"

"Hey sunshine." Louis smiles at him. "Hungry?" He knows Alex is going to be hungry since they didn't eat anything after the pizza they ate at 3 pm.

"Yes!" he screams.

"Not so loud baby boy." Louis says covering his ear, "It's too early in the morning."

"Sowwy." Alex makes the best puppy eyes ever.

"Do you want to call uncle Zazu?"

"Yes." Alex says excited, even though he doesn't understand anything apart of 'uncle Zazu'.

"Okay." Louis smiles as he dials Zayn's number who answers in the second ring. "Wow! Did you fall out of the bed or something?"

"Ha ha funny." Zayn says in a sleepy tone. "I'm putting my jeans on already, what else do I need to get?"

"Nothing Zayn." Louis chuckles, "I'm just calling you to let you know we're okay."

"Okay," Zayn sighs and a loud noise is hear.

"What's that?" Louis asks curious.

"Me going back to sleep."

"Okay, Alex wants to say hi." He gives Alex the phone.

"Uncle Zazu!"

They have an interesting talk Louis can't hear, he smiles to see Alex giggling at everything Zayn says.

"Okay, bye bye." Alex gives the phone to Louis.


"Yeah?" Zayn says as he yawns.

"Letting you go back to sleep," Louis laughs. "Call you at night."

"Okay, be careful."

"Of course."

"I love you Lou."

"I love you, too Zee." Louis says and ends the call.

"I love you three!" Alex says; cuddling into him.

"I love you four!" Louis peppers Alex's face with kisses. "Let's go have something to eat." He gets off bed with Alex behind.

Louis and Alex get to the kitchen where George is too busy making chocolate chip pancakes. When he notices them; he smiles at them.

"Daddy!" Alex screams; making grabby hands so George would pick him up.

"Hey buddy." As as Alex asked George picks him up. "Hungry?"

"Yes," Alex smiles. "Tummy say grr."

Louis and George laugh at the cute face Alex made when he said "grr".


"Yes," Alex says nodding.

"Okay then, let's feed those monsters." George sits him in a chair.

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