Dark Lullaby: Chapter Seven-The Kiss

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Amelia's P.O.V.

I watched Damian's emerald eyes flash with a flurry of emotions. First, it was confusion, then it was anger, then it was sadness, and back to anger. 

His mother, I had to agree, was extremely dismissive. She seemed strictly business. Sort of like an all-work-no-play type. It seemed all unreal. This was what he dealed with? It just wasn't right. He was sixteen years old. Sure, he was old enough to look after himself, but doesn't he need some sort of support? Some sort of...love?

I guess that's where I stepped in.

My thoughts traveled back to that car ride where I almost got a ticket. If I was somewhat mortal, I was sure I would've puked from Damian's awful driving skills. What do they teach in school these days?

Possession, my mind screamed. My face lit up. "Damian, can I talk to you outside for a second?" I asked, a huge smile on my lips. He gazed at me with a puzzled face, then shrugged. I pulled his arm outside and shut the door behind us.

"Do you want to move?" I inquired, already knowing the answer. He rolled his eyes at me.


I ignored his sour mood. "Darling, it's called possession," I informed him sarcastically. "I can just possess your parents into staying and voila, you stay a Jersey boy."

He screwed his lips to the side and thought for a minute. "I'm not really sure this is the best idea. I mean, it feels kind of wrong to manipulate my parents. Am I wrong to think that?" he said, brushing his dark bangs to the side to peer at me.

"Do I need to beg on my hands and knees? It's only this one time, I promise," I pleaded, folding my hands in a praying position. 

"All right, you win."

"Yes!" I cheered, running back inside the house so quickly, I almost slipped. Steadying myself, I took a deep breath as Damian's mother's high heels clicked across the floor. She suddenly appeared in front of me and I cleared my throat.

"Yes?" she asked impatiently.

I pursed my lips, then smiled sweetly. "Look, Mrs. Woods-"

"Call me Christine," she interrupted, tapping her foot on the ground.

"Christine," I corrected, mentally coaching myself to not lose my temper. "You should stay right here in New Jersey. People need you here," my voice came. My body was getting dizzy, and I silently wondered if this was a good idea. I seldom performed possessions; maybe two in one day was pushing my luck.

I was pretty sure she agreed. The clacking of her shoes grew fainter as she left the room, which was beginning to spin. My feet stumbled backwards and I tripped right into Damian. I was soon hot and cold, my body switching from both as it pleased. I held my aching head. Someone mumbled my name, but I slipped into unconciousness.

I woke up in my room. Time slipped away as the day passed in a blur of sleep and awakening.

I didn't go to school the next day. Or the next.

Basically, I didn't go until Friday swung around. Even then, I was late. My morning consisted of debating whether to even bother attending at the end of the week. In the end, something was pushing me to go.

Damian wasn't in any of my classes that day, so it was after school when I had to go look for him. He wasn't in the front yard, in school, or anywhere I looked. I searched behind the school, and that's where I found him.

I found him, all right.

Kissing Melanie.

I cleared my throat in the most obnoxious and loud way I could. Damian suddenly pulled back.

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