Dark Lullaby: Chapter Nine-The Heartbreak

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Dark Lullaby-Chapter Nine.

Damian's P.O.V.

I missed Amelia.

The one thing I really wanted to see right now was her. Her smirk, her pale skin, her dark eyes. And I've tried calling her countless times, but she never picks up. It all was because of stupid Melanie, thinking it'd be 'like, sooo cool' to become the ultimate alpha couple.

I glanced out the window, only to find it clouded with fog and snowflakes. Since last night, it hasn't stopped snowing. School was cancelled today and probably would be cancelled tomorrow too.

In an action of boredom, I dialed Amelia. I had the same luck: her voicemail. But this time, it was different.

"Hi, you've reached Amelia's voicemail. J-" the voicemail began.

"Obviously you need a life," someone interrupted. Derek.

"Derek!" Amelia giggled. "Anyway, I'm ice skating with Derek, so leave a message and I'll try to call you back!"

I shut my phone, throwing it on the floor. I put my head in my hands, only wanting to go back in time.

Amelia's P.O.V

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and sighed. "It's Damian again," I said, looking at Derek.

He shook his head. "Amelia, you have to stop thinking about Damian. He's a loser who cheated on you

with an ugly idiot."

"Mmm." I looked longingly at my phone.

Derek shook his head again. "Don't pick it up."

I sighed and nodded. "You know what? You're right. He's worthless trash. I'm so much better than that." I managed to smile. Inside, I felt heartbroken. I was a freak--no one would ever want to be with me. I'm stuck for eternity as a laughingstock. A lonely laughingstock.

"That's the spirit," said Derek, punching me playfully on the arm.


Hours went by with Derek and I ice skating, drinking hot chocolate, and just goofing around. My phone didn't vibrate once until we were about to go home. I tried to muffle the sound and looked at Derek.

"Hey, I think I dropped my earmuffs outside. I'll be right back," I said, speeding off before he could reply.

"Hello?" I answered once I was outside.

"Amelia?" Damian asked hopefully.

"Yeah, hi," I responded unethusiastically.

"Look, Amelia, I am beyond sorry. Can we meet face to face? Please?" he asked.

I glanced at my watch. "Fine. I'll be over soon." I shut my phone without saying goodbye. I made my way back inside where Derek was waiting.

"Find your earmuffs?" he asked. Something in his voice told me he knew I was lying.

"Er, no. But that's okay, they were old anyway."

He let my lie slide by and drove me home, even though the snow was getting deep. Once Derek's car was long gone, I got into mine and drove to Damian's, feeling a tad stupid that I was actually giving in. Derek would be kind of annoyed if he knew I was doing this.

I pulled in front of his house and rang his doorbell. He answered immediately.

"Amelia," Damian said, as if he had to convince himself I was really there.

I pressed my lips together. "Damian."

"Come inside. Would you like anything to eat or drink?" he asked, being oddly formal. I mentally sighed. This wasn't like Damian. He was an idiotic, awkward, goofball. Not someone who was pretending like he barely knew me.

"No thanks," I responded. He took my coat and led me to his room upstairs. He sat down and motioned for me to do the same.

"Amelia, you have to know that I'm so sorry about what happened with Melanie. And I want you to know that I honestly care about you and would never do that to you intentionally. It was Melanie who came onto me."

I pulled my knees to my chest. "I don't know if I should believe you. What you did really hurt my feelings, you know?"

Damian nodded. "I would guess that. I can't imagine what it must have felt like. Look, Amelia. You're such a sweet, beautiful girl. Though I can't understand why you would want to be with me, I would never go and

hurt you like that. Melanie, on the other hand, is your enemy. Of course she would do this to sabotage you. And she's a you-know-what. So-"

"Okay, okay!" I said, laughing. "I believe you."



"So...where does this leave us?" asked Damian.

"Anywhere we want," I answered.

He grinned and put his arms around me. "How's this?"


He laughed into my hair and kissed my head. "How about this?"


His lips met mine. "How's this?" he asked, pulling back a bit.



I missed Amelia's sarcasm, Damian's awkwardness, Melanie's obnoxiousness, and Derek just being Derek. xD I'm sorry for lack of uploads. But here you go. Sorry if there are mistakes, I'm writing this on my iPod. Vote, comment, share, like, whatever your heart desires.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2011 ⏰

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