Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

Oh. Crap.

I messed up so badly this time.

On the front cover of the magazine was me kissing some random girl. I don't even know her.

"Who is she?" Cassie asked.

"I honestly have no idea." I said

"Then why were you kissing her?" Cassie asked, looking mad and sad at the same time.

"I was really drunk. I'm so sorry I never meant for any of this to happen. Please forgive me." I begged.

"Forgive you? I don't know if I can do that Harry." Cassie said.

Now tears were in my eyes. She's my everything, I can't lose her over this. I wasn't even aware of what I was doing. All I know is that I can't loose her that quickly.

"Please give me one more chance! I'll make it up to you! I promise!" I begged her.

"My heart has been broken before. Bad. And I trusted you. And I think that a mistake." She replied.

She went to my room and came out in 5 minutes with all her stuff. She was walking out the door with Abby and Jill. I couldn't even speak. I was in so much shock and depression. This couldn't be happening, I tried so hard not to screw things up. But I couldn't do it. Now I broke her heart.

Cassie's POV

We drove home in silence until Jill spoke up.

"Don't worry Cassie, it will be okay. It will get better."

"I hope so" I replied.

We got back to the house and I sat down on my bed. I can't believe he did that to me. I have had the worst heartbreak.


I wanted to surprise my boyfriend, Brady, of 3 years with a present that I got him. It was a gift for our anniversary.

I went to his house and rang the doorbell. When he answered there was a blonde girl standing behind him.

"Who is that?" I whispered.

"Nobody." He replied

"Babe, hurry up" the blonde said.

"BABE???" I asked.


"How long have you been cheating on me??!" I asked.

"2 years......" He said, barely audible.

"2 YEARS?"

"Happy anniversary jerk. Have fun with your girlfriend." I said.

I kicked him in the shin and walked away.


After that I hadn't had a boyfriend until Harry came along.

I had trusted him so much. I thought he would be different. I guess my life was never meant for love.

I heard footsteps and when I looked up I saw Abby. Her blues eyes looked into mine for a moment.

Then she said, "You're thinking about Brady."

She could read me like an open book.

"Yup." I sighed.

"I'm sorry this happened to you." She said.

"Again...." I said.

"I don't think he knew what he did. He was drunk, not thinking. I'm not saying to forgive him, but I'm saying to listen to his side of the story." Abby said.

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