07 [Trying not to get killed III]

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Chapter 7

Kim Dokja stared straight into Lee Hyunsung and Han Myungoh's eyes and said, "Do you want to die from that guy beyond the iron door or do you want to try your luck outside the train? Which one will you choose?"


"Dokja-ssi, is there any guarantee that the person beyond the iron door is an enemy?"

The Steel Sword appeared at the crucial moment. There was a reason why Lee Hyunsung couldn't be leader of a party.

"Whoever is trying to break that door is a survivor in that carriage. If we meet we'll most likely die." I replied for him as I looked around the bloody surroundings.

Lee Hyunsung followed my gaze and quietly spoke, "…I was too careless. Let's find a way out."

"G-Go! Go quickly!"

At this moment, Han Myungoh and Lee Hyunsung were aware. The other survivors of the carriages would've gone through the same thing as them. They wouldn't have had the good luck of finding 'insects'.

"This is broken!"

"Damn, we can't go this way!"

While listening to Lee Hyunsung and Han Myungoh's cries, I also checked the doors but they were stuck. I looked at the others, we were having a hard time finding where to exit. I was going to check another door when I passed by the windows and stopped.

"Hey guys if we don't find a working exit let's just make one." I said still staring at the window.

Dokja approached me and nodded. "We'll force our way through it."

I answered him with yes before I grabbed the handles, pushed myself up and position my feet at the window.

I used the momentum to apply more power into the kick but it only made it crack. I went down and turned to the five pair off eyes looking at me with wide eyes.

"Excuse me Lee Hyunsung-ssi, you're a soldier so I'm sure your quite strong why don't you take a punch here." I said while pointing at the middle of the crack.

"Ahh y-yes sure." He was a bit flustered but punched anyway.

"Lee Hyunsung-ssi. Use a skill. It'll probably be easier if you do."

"Huh? "Skill…"

"There must be a skill you can use in this situation."

"Well…I have one but how do I use it―"

"Just think about using the skill."

"…Will that work?"

"It will. I did it earlier."

I stepped back just to be safe. "Noona was cool." Gilyoung told me. I whispered a thank you to him and patted his head.

Lee Hyunsung didn't say anything else as he took a deep breath of determination.

"Haaap!" Lee Hyunsung's biceps swelled as he punched the window. It was the appearance of Great Mountain Punch. In fact, Great Mountain Punch wasn't a skill but a 'stigma'. And a stigma was a power from the constellation. I used the word 'skill' in order to avoid suspicions.


The whole window basically blew up. I made sure to cover Gilyoung in case some glass flew towards us.

"What? This guy has real strength!"

"That's it! It is really great!"

[The character 'Lee Hyunsung' has started to trust you.]

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