Chapter 3: Hospital

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(Do you think Noe should have an endgame? If so, who!)

Noelle: slowly wakikg up not realising where she was "The hell?" she said sitting up

Mum: "Nick she's awake!" Her mother said as she smiled at her

Nick was waiting outside and startrd to walk in

Noelle: "Mum- I-"

Mum: "Don't stress it sweetheart,  Nick filled me on why you did it. You were so brave for sticking up for your brother but you don't always need to"

Nick: "You did look badass while winning that agruement though" he said from the doorway

Mum: "I- Nick! I think you two should talk for a little bit" she got up and left

Noelle: "Nick I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to go that far" she looked at him and saw he had a bruised cheek and a cut lip "Nick! You promised!"

Nick: "I know, I know. Noe you're literally in the hospital and I couldn't just stand there and let him get away with it. You could have got a lot more hurt. It was the least I could do"

Noelle: "I'm going to be known as the year 10 who tried to fight Harry Greene and failed miserably."

Nick: "If anything, you'll be known as the brave Noelle Nelson who stuck up for her big brother after some dougebag was being a massive homophobe"

Noelle: "Thank you"

Nick: "You're welcome. Do you want a hug?"

Noelle: she nodded slightly and hugged him

Mum: walking back in "Hey Noe? Theres someone here to see you"

Noelle: "who?"

Harry: "me"

To be continued...

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