Chapter 16: Graduation

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Today's the day day I can finally leave this shit hole of a School, and join my brother and boyfriend off a collage. I was scared to leave my mother alone but she wanted for the best.

Nick: "Noelle Lily Nelsonnnnn wakey wakeyyyyy Graduation day!"

Noelle: "Why the hell are you full naming me NiCHolAs"

Nick: "Oh hush! Go get ready"

Noelle: "Can I atleast eat first?'

Nick: "Nope!"

Noelle: "Fine, Fine. I'm awake"


Principal: "Welcome everyone as we celebrate this years truham-higgs graduates. But first. Some of our former students have come together to make speech"

Noelle: "What?"

Charlie: "I have no idea"

Nick: walking up to the stand

Noelle: "shit"

Charlie: "haha your going to get embarassed"

Noelle: "May I remind you hes your boyfriend"

Charlie: "my reputation left a while ago Noe. I have nothing to worry about. You on the other hannnnd-"

Nick: "Uh Hi. My names Nicholas Nelson, as most of you already know. I graduated a year ago and I used to play rugby here. While I was a student here, I watched you all grow into the amazing people you all have become. I have seen relationships sprout and fall, the same with friendships but the most important one I have seen, is that I've seen the real friendships stick. That will take you far in life. Hold the people you care about close. Thank you" he smiled and walked off of the stand

Principal: "What lovley word Nick, thank you. Heres to the Truham-Higgs graduates of 2022!"

Noelle: "Woo!!! Time to get out of this place!!"

Charlie: "woohoo!!"


Dylan: "You guys are finally graduates!"

Noelle: "FINALLY!"

Nick: "Someones happy" he said with an arm around Charlie

Charlie: "Her boyfriend and brother are finally in a room with her together after a year, of course shes happy"

Noelle: "This may not be the time to admit it, but I think I'm bisexual"

Dylan: "Woo! I'm glad you finally admit it"

Noelle: "I'm glad too" "

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