Chapter 4: Home

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Mum: "You ready to go kiddo?" she said helping her off of the hospital bed

Noelle: she nodded slightly avoiding the gaze of her older brother after what happened a couple of hours before

They all walked out of the hospital and then to the car

Noelle: She opened one of the backdoors to the car, sat down and closed the door. She took her phone out of her bag and turned it on to see the amount of messages she had from Charlie, Isaac, Elle, Imogen and Tao to see if she was okay. She smiled at the messages and started responding to everyone


Nellie was waiting by the front door waiting for her humans arrival home as soon as the door opened she ran up to them and started to bark with joy

Noelle: she walked in and put her bag on the sofa "Hey Nell" she said patting her head "It's been an eventful day girlie. Eventful to say the least" she picked up her bag again "I'm gonna go upstairs"

Mum: "Alright sweetie"

Nick: "I'm gonna go up too"


Noelle: She walked into her room mumbling to herself "For god sakes, why would I do that! Now the most massive homophobe at Truham knows! I'm honestly so stupid"

Nick: "You're everything far from stupid Noe. And as for Harry he's just going have learn to accept it"

Noelle: she sighed "Come in and close the door"

Nick: he walked in and closed the door

Noelle: "I could careless if he knows to be comepletely honest I just dont know what to label myself as and it's just hella confusing"

Nick: "It's okay you don't understand it. I didn't. Maybe try research? Thats what I did"

Noelle: "But I'm not like you Nick! That's the whole problem. You researched I get that. I've tried and I still don't feel any contection to anything"

Nick: "It'll come to you in time, trust me"

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