Chapter 11: Talking

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I have never noticed how much my mother had cared for me until 2 nights ago, as soon as we got back from the hospital she raided  my room of things that that could be used for the worst. In some circumstances she did to go a little bit too far but is nice to see that she cared. Nick checked in more regularly as well.

I haven't spoken to either of them that much since it happened because I felt ashamed of myself that they had to see me the lowest of the low lying there hopelessly on the floor wanting things to end but they didn't.

I shut myself away from everyone for a week or so only communicating through social media. Nick must of told everyone that I trusted, not just Dylan, because they all were checking in on me which was obviously overwhelming at times but also so comforting to know that many people cared.

They would have all lost so much. Charlie, Elle, Tao and Isaac a friend. Dylan a girlfriend figure. Nick a sister and mum, a daughter.

If I was successful, yes my pain would have ended but I would have made everyone elses pain worse. But thats life for you.


Going back to school I was gaurded like a hawk

Noelle: "Guys honestly, I'll be fine"

Nick: "Nope. You're dealing with us FOREVERRR!"

Tao: "Damn right. You get my dance moves until you're 90 and wrinkly"

Noelle: "oh dear god"

Charlie: "A death sentence to Tao's dance moves? No thanks. Count me out"

Elle: "me too"

Isaac: "Elle you HAVE to stay your his girlfriend!"

Elle: "please dont remind me"

Tao: "rude"

Elle: "it was meant to be"

Noelle: she started to smile

Elle: "HA! you see that! I got her to smile!"


Charlie: "Tao. I love you I really do but for heaven sakes please sit down. Your embrassing us all"

Tao: he looked over at Elle


Nick: "You guys are alot"

Dylan: walking up to them "Oh they already know"

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