Chapter 13: lovers

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A week or two had passed by now. I spent little of time at home. I know it hurt my brother and mother,  but I didn't need to be reminded so quickly of what I did and of course they understood, but it must be hard because they barely saw me.
So if I didnt spend my time at home, where did I spend it?
I spent it anywhere really. The school, a cafe or a park. I had many options other than the place I used to call home.

On a walk in the park

Dylan: "Sooo... Hows everything going Noe? If you don't mind me asking"

Noelle: "It's hard but I'm getting there... Slowly"

Dylan: "good! Thats what we want... I see you got thr bandages off"

Noelle: "Yeah, they iched like hell"

Dylan: "I can imagine"

Noelle: she walked over and sat on a bench

Dylan: "You okay?" They said sitting next to her

Noelle: "Yeah, I'm fine. My heads just foggy"

Dylan: "well thats understandable. Maybe letting out your thoughts will help"

Noelle: "If I do that I'll expose some deep secrets"

Dylan: "The jucier the better"

Noelle: she laughed a bit "Well I guess I could tell you one as it concerns you"

Dylan: "Do tell"

Noelle: "Here goes I guess. Dylan, I really like you. A lot. And I know we kissed a couple of weeks ago and it could of meant nothing but-"

Dylan: they cut her off by kissing her "I like you too, dumbie"

Noelle NelsonWhere stories live. Discover now