Chapter 15: Suprise

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The day of my 16th birthday was probably the most weirdest day of my life. Of course I woke up to Nellie licking me but thats normal but I didnt wake up to a text from Dylan or Nick

Charlie: "look guys! Its the birthday girl!"

Isaac: "go, go, go, go shawty its your birthday"

Noelle: she smiled "thanks guys"

Elle: "woo!"

Tao: "Your birthday gift is my dance moves for free"

Noelle: "No thanks Tao, I'll pass"

Isaac: "You're just going to LET THAT AMAZING OFFER DOWN?"



Elle: "Hey Darcy and I are going out later you should come with"

Noelle: "Oh- I- I dont know"

Elle: "Oh come on its your birthday!"

Noelle: "fine fine"


Noelle: on the phone to Elle "Elle are you sure this is the right place? I dont see you"

Elle: "Yeah! We're inside"

Noelle: she opened the door "wher- oh my god"

Elle: "Happy Birthday boo" she hung up the phone

Dylan: "Happy Birthday love"

Noelle: she ran over and hugged them "I've missed you so much"

Dylan: "I have too"

Noelle: "You could have told me you were coming"

Dylan: "But where would the suprise be in that?"

Noelle: she kissed them "I love you so much"

Dylan: "I love you too. Now lets go dance"

Noelle: dear god, please don't tell me Taos here"

Dylan: they laughed "He's not... Yet"

Noelle: "YET?!'

Dylan: "Cant have this whole hall to ourselves. We've gotts wait for the party to arrive"

Noelle NelsonWhere stories live. Discover now