Chapter 10: tears

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When she had woken up, Nick was on his phone and her mother was looking at her

She was about to speak before she was cut off

Mum: she hugged her gently trying not to hurt her "Don't EVER do that again. You scared me shitless"

Noelle: "I'm sorry- I-.."

Mum: "I'll go get a doctor, to go check you over" she got up and wiped her eyes. She left to go and find a doctor

Nick: "How are you feeling?"

She looked into her lap not wanting to answer

Nick: "I thought I'd tell you that I told Dylan about what happened tonight"

Noelle: "Nick you didnt-"

Nick: "Yes I did. They told me what happened between you two. I thought you would tell me eventually but, then again I never told you about Charlie. So I guess we're even now"

Noelle: "Nick that wasnt your call to make!"
She was going to say more but was cut off again but by a doctor walking in

She was checked over and left alone for an hour or so. Until Nick walked in with Dylan

Nick: "They wanted to check in. I'll leave you guys alone for a bit" he walked out and shut the door

Dylan: they walled over to sit down and hold her hand "Noe why didnt you tell me, I would have helped you. No matter the situtation"

Noelle: "I'm sorry.."

Dylan: "Hey no, none of that. No s word. I'm not mad at you. That would put me into the wrong. I just want to know why, if you dont want to tell me now, I can wait"

Noelle: "I just wanted the pain be end. I wanted everything to end" she looked into her lap "I didn't want to tell anyone I was suffering because I didn't want to make everything about me"

Dylan: "You could have texted me. I would have listened. Hell I would have even came over"

Noelle: she had started crying

Dylan: they rubbed her back gently letting her cry it out comforting her

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