Chapter 6

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-Mountain Top of the Giants-

Maliketh stalked the rocky, mountainous road. The height should be daunting, but the beast barely gave the steep cliff face a second glance. He simply made his way up the path. Behind him, two horses followed carrying court confessors.

Maliketh sniffed the ground as he walked, making sure they were still on the right course. In the early morning, the fresh, humid air formed dew on his thick fur. He growled at the uncomfortable feeling of the wet sediment on his padded, hand-like paws. In his beast form, he resembled a large wolf, but his arms and legs were longer than they should be, too human. His snout came to a point and his yellow eyes almost glowed under his helmet. Though he was a beast, his half sister, had armor forged for his wolfish form: black as night and adorned with ornate gold designs.

Nearing their destination, they began to hear the distinct and thunderous noises associated with the fire giants. Booming footsteps, voices that nearly shook the ground, and the sounds of enormous tools striking the earth, sending tremors with each blow. Maliketh finally ascended the ridge and looked down at the vast and enormous village. The mountain had been carved into itself, allowing the giants to thrive in the bowl of the earth. At Maliketh and his two party members' infinitely smaller size, it was almost overwhelming to witness.

A giant, the largest of the fold, stopped his chiseling and looked up at the beast on the ridge. Its eyes grew dark and it grumbled in distaste. Maliketh simply stared back, waiting. As the giant turned, it exposed the large face on it's abdomen, dormant and sleeping. It bore the same red, matted beard as the giant.

It put down its tools and walked towards them, huffing as it climbed a step to meet them at eye level. Maliketh was merely the size of its entire head.

"What do you want, beast?" Its hot breath blew at the fur on Maliketh, who turned his head at the putrid smell.

"The queen requests... once again," he added spitefully,  "your presence at her court." His voice was gravelly, inelegant.

The giant snorted. "Is she so willing to hear our refusal for a third time?"

Maliketh glared at him. "It would be unwise to keep up this stubbornness. Her majesty's patience will run out."

The giant chuckled lowly. "My people have been here for generations. Eons before you humans and demigods infected these lands. The cauldron belongs to us. We will never let its fire fall into your 'eternal queen's' hands. Lest she snuff it out in her ignorance."

Maliketh snarled, eyes wide with rage. "Watch your tongue." He prowled closer and the giant stepped back. "Have you so easily forgotten the slaughtering of your kind at the hands of her majesty?"

"That was not your queen. The blasted Elden Lord was the man that damned us to oblivion; and the last I heard, he's dead." The giant leaned forward. "We are a strong people, and we will not make the same mistake trusting your empire again."

Maliketh growled. "Foolish creatures. All of you."

The giant sighed in annoyance and turned to continue his work. "We will refuse your queen's offer. Let that be the final word. Come here again, Maliketh, and we won't hesitate roasting you on the flames. It will be quite a treat to taste mongrel flesh."

Maliketh bared his fangs before turning and stalking back down the path. The confessors followed closely behind. Fools. They knew nothing of Marika's power; but in the end, it mattered very little to Maliketh. He would simply wait for the day that the queen snuffed them out entirely.

-Academy of Raya Lucaria-

The curtains were drawn on the windows, letting only candle light illuminate the enormous circular room. Rennala sat in the center of the rings that made up the floor, eyes closed. Her hair was tied loosely behind her, falling in strands behind the blanket that covered her nightgown. Blue and gold swirls of magic danced around her as her fingers quickly orchestrated their movements. The door to the hall opened, letting light spill into the room. An apprentice entered with an armful of scrolls.

"Queen Rennala?" She looked surprised. "What are you doing here so early?"

Rennala sighed and opened her eyes. The magic swirled into nothing and faded away.

"I've been working. I have a lot to do." The queen said tiredly, massaging the bridge of her nose. Rennala hadn't been able to sleep since the encounter with Radagon. She felt wholly unequipped to handle him in a fight, so she decided she would train as much as she could.

"Have you been here all night?" When Rennala didn't respond, the apprentice turned and flicked her hand. The door shut. "I think a break would do you well, your highness. Let me get you some tea-"

"Tell me," Rennala said, "what is your name?"

The young woman looked at her in surprise. "... Arya."

"Where are you from?"

Arya seemed to shift nervously. "Limgrave, your highness."

Rennala nodded thoughtfully before looking up and casting a wide arc with her arm. The curtains opened, letting light flood into the room. The apprentice winced and shielded her eyes.

"Will you come sit? I have questions for you."

Arya hesitated, suddenly plagued with nerves.

"Don't worry, you aren't in any trouble." Rennala gestured for her to approach. The girl did so, gingerly sitting in front of her.

"I am aware... of the coming war," Arya began, hesitantly, "but I am not loyal to Limgrave or anyone on Stormhill. I chose to come here, to study. You have my word."

Rennala put a hand on hers. "I know, dear. I don't doubt you."

The girl seemed to relax and nodded in relief.

"What do you know about Stormveil's champion?"

"Radagon?..." She thought for a moment. "Truthfully, your grace... none of us know where he came from. They call him a prince, but we don't truly know. It was as if he appeared from nothing."

Rennala's eyes were filled with curiosity. "Is that so?"

"He arrived and just as quickly assumed control. Limgrave was already a battle hardened nation, but when Radagon arrived... everything became so much worse." She gripped her cloak. "The nation thrived as he conquered; but the people suffered. My family was driven away under the oppression. Now, terrible creations guard the keep. The warhawks."

Rennala remembered seeing them stalking the fortress. Giant mangled hawks with blades grafted to their flesh. She had shuddered when she saw them for the first time. Arya continued.

"I consider myself lucky that we were able to flee. The people are fed, taken care of; but there are no freedoms. I would have been forced to join the army had I not come to the academy."

Rennala's mind raced. How had he just... materialized into power? Where did he come from? None of it made sense.

"I know that isn't the answer you were looking for... I'm sorry."

Rennala shook her head, taking the girl's hands. "No, that information is more than helpful. Thank you."

She relaxed, bowing her head at the queen.

"I have one more request of you." Rennala spoke quietly.  "Do you still have contacts in Limgrave?"

Arya looked up at her, worry splashed across her face. She nodded softly.

"Good. Listen closely."

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