Chapter 7

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-Academy of Ray Lucaria-

Night had finally blanketed the academy. The only light came from candles and glowing orbs that hung idly in the air. Rennala stood in the grand hall, Arya stood opposite her.

"Follow the steps exactly as I laid them out. You are to come back to the academy immediately, do you understand? Do not linger."

Arya nodded, bowing her head. "Yes, my lady."

Rennala lifted her hand. She placed it on the girl's forehand and light shimmered underneath her palm. Arya's legs wobbled, but she quickly steadied herself and blinked, her irises now flecked with a subtle blue hue. Rennala lowered her hand and closed her eyes.

"Thank you, young one." They both said.

Arya looked up at Rennala, who was now seemingly in a trance like state. She looked at her hand and wiggled her fingers gently. Good. It had worked. Rennala felt Arya's mind slip into the shadows, dormant, while she took control of the apprentice's body. She turned and walked out the door.

At the academy gates, Rennala donned a hooded cloak and began to lead a horse down the road. When she reached the bridge she mounted it, gave its sides a kick, and rode into the night. It took an hour of riding to reach the merchant caravans, but when she finally arrived, she dismounted and approached the torchlit bazaar.

Sellswords, merchants, and vagabonds loitered around. They were accompanied by livestock and goods, along with all manner of humans and creatures simply passing through. There wasn't much business this time of night, but Arya had told the queen of a medicinal merchant who frequently made late night trips into Mystwood - the sister village to Stormhill. She approached a modest caravan covered in dried herbs and silk linens. Vials of unknown liquids were strewn about the shelves and something appeared to be boiling in a rusted cast iron pot. The man who stirred it looked back at the apprentice.

"Welcome, fair lady." He set the ladle on the rim of the pot and walked over. A prophet, by the looks of it. Well, former would be the better descriptor, there wasn't a religious tome or symbol to be seen, save for a small necklace with the two fingers' sigil. "What brings you here at this time of night?"

"My father has injured his hand. Burned it something dreadful this morning." She lied. "I was only just able to break away to find some medicine."

"I see." He rested his elbows on the counter. "It sounds like he's in need of a salve. Has it been treated?"

"Only with water."

The merchant nodded and turned to rifle through his wares. Rennala watched him for a moment.

"Pardon, sir." She tilted her head. "Forgive me for asking, but are you the merchant who travels to Mystwood every night?"

He returned with a salve and set it on the counter. "Aye. That's me."

"I thought you looked familiar. I see you deliver to my neighbor from time to time if I'm awake."

"Ah, so you know of Agnes's condition."

"Not well. We hardly see her. I hope she's doing alright?"

"She hasn't taken a turn. Thankfully I'm still employed." He smiled at her.

Rennala gave a small smile back and nodded. They still expected him there. Good. Still, she felt a small pang of guilt for what she was about to do. "How much for the salve?"

The merchant wrapped it in a yellow parchment and slid it to her. "Ten runes."

Rennala produced her satchel and dropped the ten shimmering runes into his hand. As he counted them, she reached up and placed a hand on his forehead, her palm glowing. The man shuddered, letting the runes clatter to the floor. He blinked and pulled back, his eyes now speckled with blue. Arya slumped forward but caught herself on the counter. She looked up at him as if coming to from a deep sleep.

"Your grace...?" She whispered.

Rennala looked around to make sure no one had seen. She glanced back at Arya and nodded. "Return to the academy and guard my body. You've done well."

Arya nodded quickly. "Yes, my lady." She steadied herself and pushed off from the counter.

Rennala watched Arya leave the campgrounds and mount her horse, before riding off under the cloudy night sky. Inhabiting the merchant's body, she turned and packed up the caravan making sure not to draw attention to her early and sudden departure. She grabbed the reigns and whipped them once, the horses whinnied and pulled off down the road.

The ride to Limgrave was short from the caravans. It was lucky that the healer was to be expected tonight. Had Arya traveled there herself, she would have been imprisoned and tortured for any information regarding her affiliation with the academy. Rennala steeled herself as she approached the large gates.

When the guards spotted the merchant, they gave a familiar nod and opened the entryway. She nodded back in thanks and traveled through. So far, so good. Rennala rode through the quiet streets, surveying her surroundings. While people of Limgrave slept, soldiers and creatures in armor prowled around the city. It resembled an internment camp. She wondered to herself what it might look like during the day.

Instead of traveling straight to wherever the sickly neighbor Agnes was, Rennala pulled the caravan into a quiet, tucked away street, and dismounted. She began to tie the horses down, when a voice called out from the alley.

"You. Merchant."

She turned with a start to see a soldier approaching the caravan.

"You aren't sanctioned to be on this street." He growled.

"My route changed. Apologies." Rennala continued to tie the horses down, trying to look as calm as possible.

"You think I'm fool, old man?" The soldier stepped forward, clearly trying to intimidate the merchant with his size. He was nearly a foot taller and broader than the merchant in every respect. No way Rennala could take him in a fight. "I can either take you to the spit for breaking your route, or I could let you on your way. For a price."

Wretched guards, Rennala thought. She clutched her jaw and dug through the merchant's pocket for his rune bag, still eyeing the soldier.

"How much?"

The soldier pointed the sharp end of his staff at the bag, and then gestured upwards to the merchant's chest.

"I'll take the whole lot."

Rennala stopped searching momentarily, glaring up at the soldier. After a moment, she yanked the bag from her waist and held it up for him. The guard smirked. "Good choice."

He reached his hand up to take the bag, but Rennala grabbed his arm and pulled him towards her. She held her palm to his forehead before he could react. The guard struggled momentarily, but his eyes glazed over, speckled with blue. The two backed away from each other as the merchant staggered backwards, regaining his consciousness. He looked around groggily and then at the soldier before him.

"What?..." He muttered. "How have I...?"

She scooped up the bag of runes. "You fell off your caravan, sir. Are you feeling alright?"

"I did?..."

"Here." She handed the bag to the merchant. "Be careful next time; and stay on your route."

Without another word, she turned and walked out of the street, leaving the poor, confused man to gather himself. Hopefully he wouldn't encounter anymore soldiers on his way, knowing how dangerous the streets are at night. Rennala would have charmed his caravan with a protection spell had she been in her body.

She cursed under her breath; this had gone sloppier than she planned... but now, at the very least, she had a way into Stormhill. She would need an officer of higher rank to infiltrate the castle. Rennala sucked in a deep breath and made her way down the street.

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