Chapter 1: Teams

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Marjorie's POV

It was Tuesday.

Sparing Day.

The Avengers had an interesting weekly training schedule, with everything from laser tag and weapon training to espionage and codes. Everyone always said she was remarkably good at it all, but Marjorie disagreed. She just put in the effort and was a quick study.

Marjorie wasn't even the best in training. Nat always won everything. That girl had a serious competitive strike.

After breakfast, (Sam and Steve made pancakes) she went to the training room. It was a huge gymnasium that took up the entire third floor. The training room was where the largest collection of weapons lived. There were standard handguns, rifles, shotguns, other stuff, (she wasn't really a gun person) various grenades and smoke bombs, flashbangs, Clint's bow and arrows, high-tech weapons Tony made, then her favorite: daggers, swords, and other knifes.

Marjorie did an inventory of the room:

Tony and Bruce seemed to be having an in-depth conversation about a deconstructed cylinder, about the size of a tube of chapstick.

Sam was trying to teach Steve a movie reference, but Steve's eyes kept darting to Tony.

Marjorie smirked. Everyone knew about Steve's crush, except, apparently, Tony, but no one mentioned it. Steve wasn't comfortable coming out yet, given his background in the 40s.

Nat and Clint were having a hushed conversation in, like, seven different languages. Every few words they switched languages, making it almost impossible for outsiders to decipher.

Bucky was leaning against the wall, watching Nat and Clint intently, just out of hearing range. He was flipping a dagger in his right hand. Without looking. Show off.

She walked over to him. Bucky looked gorgeous, per usual.

Tall, clear blue eyes, muscular, and two (almost one) years older than her at 17, he was the most attractive person Marjorie knew. (Nat came in a close second. What is it with Russian assassins?) Bucky had mastered the skill of being incredibly hot without trying, and he didn't even know it.

"What are they talking about?" Majorie asked once she had reached him.

Bucky smirked. "They're planing a new prank."

Aha. Nat and Clint were the main instigaters of the prank war. It was Nat vs Tony. Marjorie did not want to wake up one day with bleached hair and missing socks, so she was on Nat's side.

"What's it this time?"

"I'm sure you'll find out soon enough."

Her eyes narrowed, and his smirk became more pronounced. She hated not knowing something, and Bucky knew it.

"Will we be helping with this one?"

"I think so. It sounds like they're planning something big."

"Like what?"

He just smiled mysteriously. Marjorie grinded her teeth together. "You're the worst."

Bucky made an offended sound and crossed his arms. "Am not."

"Are to," replied Marjorie, placing her hands on her hips.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not—"

"Sorry to interrupt... whatever this is," Nat made a flicking gesture with her hand that could have meant anything from "I'd like chicken for dinner," to "I love your outfit, where did you get those shoes?"

Nat had walked over while they were arguing, Clint trailing after her.

"But," Nat continued, "it is now eleven o'clock." Training usually went from eleven to one.

"Marjorie is bullying me," Bucky whined.

"Sniches get stitches," she replied in a singsong voice.

Nat rolled her eyes. "Stop being immature. Today we are playing capture the flag."

"Sorry, did you say capture the flag? I thought we were superheroes, not a summer camp," said Tony.

Everyone had assembled into a loose circle.

Marjorie grinned. She knew where Nat had gotten this idea. Nat had read Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief at her recommendation, then gone through all twenty-some books in the span of five days. Marjorie and Nat were fangirls in all the same fandoms.

Nat often used games instead of traditional training. She claimed it was for team building and so her lessons were more memorable, (Marjorie doubted she was the only one with the last truth or dare permanently etched in her brain) but she thought Nat just liked friendly competition games. And liked winning.

"Maybe we're superheroes, but last I checked, you didn't have any powers."

Tony and Nat were still hashing it out. Tony was the type of person who you couldn't get along with if you couldn't take a insult, but he almost never meant it. Deep down, Tony cared a lot about them, and never took anyone else being mean to one of the team.

"Nethier do you, I build high tech suits and stuff, but you just look pretty."

"At least I can throw a punch, without your suit you wouldn't last a day."

This could go on all day.

Marjorie didn't want to be in the crossfire, but if they didn't stop soon, she might have to interfere.

"Wthout me bankrolling the Avengers, you would be in a VAN down by the RIVER!"

"At least I wou—"

"Guys, aren't we supposed to be training?"

Bruce had beaten her to the chase. He was always being a diplomat. Steve looked relived that he didn't have to step in.

"We should pick teams randomly this time," Bruce added.

Nat and Tony always argued about who got who on their team. Nat usually won.

"Fine." Nat glared at Tony.

"Sounds good," Tony beamed.

Bruce had one of those name-picker-wheel-things on his phone. Maybe he planned this in advance, Marjorie thought

"Team A: Nat, Sam, Tony, and me. Team B: Marjorie, Bucky, Steve, and Clint."

Nat glared at Tony, while Tony looked at her with dawning horor.

Marjorie grinned and fist-bumped Bucky.

"This will be interesting," she said.

AN: This fic is completed! There are sequels, currently book 2 updates every Wednesday. The first few chapters are cringe, but I promise it gets better.

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