Chapter 17: Boyfriends

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Steve's POV

    "I have some news," Steve said.

    He was telling Tony about Loki being in the tower. He had asked JARVIS to let him explain in person. It was a very boyfriend thing to do.

    Which he was.

    Steve was dating Tony.

    It was official!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    It was official in the sense that they'd "DTRed" (Define the Relationship, apparently. Steve sometimes felt that he was so far behind, he would never catch up.) But they still hadn't told anyone.

    Tony had assured Steve that same-sex couples were more accepted now, but it was still too soon. When he was growing up, there wasn't even a word for how he felt.

    Steve was also still in the "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we're dating ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" phase.

    And Tony is so cute and so smart and so perfect and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    "News?" Tony asked, holding Steve's hand.

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh he is holding my hand!!! We're holding hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Thor came back this morning." Steve bit his lip. "Annnnnnnd he brought Loki."

    "What?'' Tony asked loudly, sitting upright and banging his skull into Steve's. "Sorry!"

    "It's fine. You okay?"

    Yeah,'' Tony said dismissively. Steve wished he took better care of himself. "But Loki?!?! He's dangerous! JARVIS let him in the tower?"

    (Steve wondered if he should correct Tony's pronouns, but, since he had no idea what Thor meant by "sister," he didn't, because he didn't want to provide incorrect information. Steve made a mental note to ask Sam as soon as possible.)

    "Loki was with Thor," JARVIS explained.

    Tony muttered something about fire walls, security bipasses, and something called a "while statement."

    "Nat said it was okay," Steve explained.

    Tony looked thrown. "Really?"

    "Pretty much,'' Steve confirmed. Tony had this adorable crease between his eyebrows that Steve wanted to smooth with his thumb, but that would be weird.

    Or would it be one of those boyfriend things Steve was supposed to know?

    The whole dating thing was just so new.

    Everyone seemed to be able to date effortlessly and seemed way more comfortable with it than him.

    It wasn't that Steve didn't want a relationship, but he was so unused to the idea of dating someone that Steve didn't know what to do. It was just so new that Steve felt awkward and unsure all the time.

    Maybe it will get better. Tony said it would get better.

    Steve and Tony had talked about this, and it was the most awkward thing ever, but Steve felt way better now that it was out there. Plus, he was dating Tony now, so it obviously was a good thing.

    "Well,'' Tony said after a long mental debate. "If Nat says it's okay, then I guess he can stay. For a little. But if Loki steps one toe out of line, then he's out. And we have to watch him, to make sure he isn't up to anything. JARVIS?"

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