The Game part 4

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"Hey Liam, are you awake yet?" Jamie said not quite awake herself.

"No, can I go back to sleep now, I'll catch up on my work later." Liam said, not wanting to remember the island or the boat. Just letting the thoughts slip into bad dreams.

"Liam, has Nallie come back yet?"

Fear filled Liams mind as all of it came flooding back to him, the ship, the island, the fight. So used to being woken up by a happy go lucky little girl, but she was nowhere to be seen. "I don't see her anywhere."

"I can't believe she hasn't come back yet. I guess we'll have to go find her, is there anything with her scent?"

"I'll look." Liam scanned the beach for anything previously owned by his sister."I don't think anything washed up with us" He said, shaking his head.

"What about her shawl? She had that on her when we jumped ship. It has to be here somewhere." They started to look around, all they could find was a piece that had snagged on a tree. It still would work though.

"Here, hand it here"Jamie extended her arm and took a whiff of the scrap fabric.

"Liam stay here, just in case Nallie comes back. I won't be too long.'

Liam waved her off as she headed for the woods. 


"Where are they?" Rubbing at his eyes, liam looked towards the growing dark forest. She said she wouldn't be gone that long, maybe I should go look for them... I can't go out there though, what if they come back... and then I get lost! Who knows what's out there. A sudden shock of pain nipped at the back of his neck. Assuming it was just a bug, he slapped it. Freezing when the feeling of something not of a bug, but a dart, graced his fingers. Drowsiness came like a storm. Feeling the weight of his eyes, he crashed down in the sand and was overtaken by sleep.

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