The Game 7

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part 7 is a bit bloody so if your not big on that stuff please go to the next chapter enjoy the story


Nallie turns to face the origin of the sound. Heart rate beating. No,no, no, please god no. Cursed thoughts ran through Naliies head. Please be okay, please be okay. Tripping over rocks, and roots, sprinting towards the origin of the gunshot.

The woods began to thin and Nallie came across a small clearing illuminated by the growing flames.

They froze in horror as they witnessed the small boys lifeless body tossed over the shoulder of the tall man. Unable to move they watched as the hunter prepped the corpse and slingged it over the fire.

Tears poured down Nallies face, frustration, confusion, and fear washing over their body. What, wha-ha-why, why, god, why.

Falling to their hands and knees, the build up of raw emotions surged through the young changeling. Unable to control the unstable power, Nallies abilities combusted, filtering through animals in the surrounding areas, gathering the energy and growing them into a manticore.

Leaping from the bushes with soulless eyes. Nallie pierced the skin on one of the hunters neck and tore his throat out.

The other two hunters shocked at the sight of their companions murder, quickly equippeded their own rifels and shot towards the massive beast.

The beast heard the cocking of the guns and turned to see the explosion sent out from the barrel. Able to avoid one of the shots with quick movement of the tail, but got hit by the other. A small wound in the front shoulder broke open and spewed blood. A low growl produced from the beast echoing off the trees. The hunters backed off slowly backing up to find cover amongst the foliage. The movement activated the hunter in Nallie .and they pounced onto one of the hunters and knocked the other down with their scorpion tail, paralyzing them in one swoop.

Claws sank deep into the hunter under Nallies grasp. A loud yeowl came out of the hunter, trying to knock off the attack.

The hunter smuck Nallie with the butt of his gun, forcing the beast to back off allowing him to catch his balance. Without hesitation he shot at the monster in its confusion.

Two bullets, one caught in the neck, and the other stinging in the front leg.

Nallie Roared with pain.

The hunter rolled for cover behind the barrels of supplies.

Nallie thought nothing of this and lunged in the same direction. Standing atop the barrels, nallie bent down to grab the hunter in their mouth, and flung him into the air.


Loud cracking noises were heard when the hunter made impact with the ground. Clutching tightly to his gun, he weakly sent another shot towards Nallie before passing.

Unexpecting the hunters last attack, the bullet landed right in Nallies' thick hide.

Adrenaline fading and pain sinking in, forced Nallie to shift back.

Shifting back into the innocent little kid, now covered in blood. Nallie stared at their hands. Mind racing, and yet so blank. So much to process, yet not enough.

Covering their face, folding so tiny in the center of the opening,

"What.. happened.. Jamie, please, what, Ja-Jamie, I...I'm sorry" Tears poured down their face.

Nallie needed to let Jamie out but was too afraid to move. She didn't want whatever that was, to hurt her friends, so she stayed there, in the center of the clearing in a ball as small as she could make herself. Trying not to see what she did.


I'm sorry I haven't added anything I have lost motivation to do just about anything. If you have any ideas feel free to tell me and if not you may be waiting a long time for more. Thank you for your understanding and I hope you all have a lovely week.

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