Chapter 9, Just- hug me already.

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A/N: it's been.. a while, huh?
well, we're back sorta, we're trying to work around studying and preparing for the final exams in 18 days for us. but we're trying to start getting back to writing.

also, side note before we actually get back onto this story, if anyone is willing to read a BBC ghosts fanfic please let us know, we're tempted to try attempting to write one given as it has been our comfort show for a while. (pm or comment on this to just.. let us know,)

anyway, here's what you came for:


Chapter 9,

Just- hug me already.

-cuddles (as title implies)
-probable spelling mistakes.
-author pretending to remember the plotline.
-slight mention of feeling sick at the smell of food. (cause heh.. guess who's still struggling-)
-Low self esteem (slightly..- smidgen,)
-"Slight" projecting onto Logan.
-Trauma response (touch relating)


Slowly opening his eyes to the dim lighting of his room was just enough to let him know where he was, the logical side slowly stretching with a groan.
Limbs softly cracking at the movement as he grumbled to himself beneath his breath, still half asleep and not yet wanting to leave the comforting embrace of his bedsheets.

Though, rolling over he came to find the sleeping form of Remus on the bed beside him, the other stretched out, limbs stretched out wide, practically using the whole bed to himself. Snores slowly escaping his open mouth and mustache lightly twitching with each exhale he made.

Logan stifling a small chuckle to himself as he carefully shuffled up, sitting up on the bed. Stretching his arms above his head as he yawned, reaching out and patting down the bedside table before snatching his glasses. Pushing them on with a sigh as he swung his legs over the side of the bed, (being mindful to not accidentally nudge the sleeping form of Remus despite knowing full well the other could probably sleep through a hurricane).

The carpet rustling as he stood, cursing lightly as he stepped onto a left out pacifier. Grimacing as he picked it up, dusting it off before throwing it aside to bother cleaning up later.

There was no point now, he just wanted a shower more than anything else.

Tugging out a polo shirt and some jeans from his drawer (and underwear of course as well as one of his beloved ties) he shuffled out of the room, closing the door behind himself.
Listening to the small shutter of the lock behind him before shuffling down the hallway before sliding into the empty bathroom at the end of the hallway.

Locking the door before turning the shower head on as he slowly stripped down. Neatly folding up and leaving his clothes aside on top of the closed toilet lid as he patiently waited for the water to heat up as he took out his phone, mindlessly scrolling through his various playlists before ultimately deeming one song set on repeat to be good enough before propping it up on a shelf after turning up his volume. Placing his glasses aside as he did so.

Upon stepping into the shower the water comes as a soothing cascade down on his body, as if Logan was being brought into the arms that flow and hug oh so gently. Relaxing at the warm water pattering over his body, wetting his hair through as he hummed, running his fingers through his wet locks as he did so.

Humming mindlessly to the song that bounced off the walls of the bathroom, echoing around with the reassuring sound of the pattering of the shower raining down on him.
Taking a deep breath as he leaned his head back with his eyes closed, letting his face be soaked by each water droplet before softly shaking hisvhead lightly as he stood back upright, keeping his back facing the water. Much too paranoid to look away from the shower curtain, even if the bathroom door was locked.

He couldn't help it, he refused to face away from the door, even if the shower curtain blocked his view. Having left his phone on the medium level of sound, just so he could listen out just in case anyone else was to come near or such.
Just in case. You could never be too sure after all.

But nonetheless, after stepping out of the shower after a significant amount of time (about 15 minutes tops) he felt bad about spending too long in the bathroom. Knowing others probably wanted a morning shower alongside, so, he dried off his hair, running a hand back through it as he pushed his glasses up his nose.
Before promptly drying off his body and changing back into his usual attire, relaxing as he jotted up the tie to a tighter notch. Feeling the soft fabric tighten his collar and press against the back of his neck in which.. sent a.. undescribeable comfort throughout him.

Despite that, he soon pulled on some socks before promptly leaving the bathroom after turning off the light and collecting his phone once again.
Pocketing it lightly after turning off his music and silencing his phone once again as he made his way down the hallway.

Groaning lightly upon smelling the faint scent of the cafè become closer as he tried to ignore it, lightly scrunching to his face at the smell. Clearly not in the mood that morning to smell the usually somewhat comforting scent of the food. Feeling the uncomfortable sickening taste linger in his mouth the closer he got before trying to hold back a gip as he covered his mouth and nose.
Shaking his head and leaving the area, walking back in the opposite direction, knowing for a fact he couldn't stomach the smell that day.

So, he made his way back towards the common room area of the 'neutral sides' area, sitting down on the sofa/couch. Feeling himself slightly sink into the chair as he hesitated before getting up once again. Knowing that being aware of his weight probably wasn't going to be a good sign for the day. So, he stood up, walking over to the kitchen to fetch himself some water.

Upon lifting the glass of well.. the coldest water he could get, he slowly took a sip, trying to distract his mind from the contradicting thoughts about himself.

Though almost dropping the glass as he felt arms wrap around his waist, his whole body stiffening at the touch.
The other person losing their grip with a sigh as they patiently stepped back, giving Logan space to take a breath. Both figuratively and literally.

"Are you alright..? I'm sorry if I startled you, I didn't intend to do that,"
Emile's soft voice spoke through, looking over Logan with a gentle smile. Though the self esteemed therapist clearly not being happy with not receiving an answer as Logan blankly stared at him.

"Quite alright,"
Logan muttered blankly after a few minutes and shaky exhale through his teeth, glancing around before taking another step back away from Emile as he took another sip from his water.
"Please excuse me,"
He soon spoke, walking past the other after finishing off his glass and began making his way back to his room.

Not wishing to communicate further, it was exhausting as it was, nevermind having to have a conversation alongside.
But nonetheless, he soon made his way back to his room sliding inside and shutting the door quietly behind himself.

Looking over to the bed as he sighed, climbing back into the comforting confinement of the blankets.
Though hearing the soft groan from Remus beside him as the other rolled over to face him, yet.. not making eye contact as he offered his arms out.
The other pausing before slowly rolling into his arms, the silence speaking for itself as he gulped.

Logan just closing his eyes in the safe haven of his blankets and the other social reject being there to comfort him.
No words needed to share between the two. Not that either wished to, Remus just silently running his fingers through Logan's wet hair. Pressing his underchin on top of the other's head as he cuddled him close to his chest.

The soft buzzing of the air-con on the background adding to the brain fuzz the other was feeling.
Yet.. the hug had woven their souls in a way that was a forever bond. the silent intention was clear. Like welding sparks connecting them together in an unspoken arrangement.

Love or not, it was down to them to decide after all.

Though nonetheless, together. In an unspoken bond of comfort and adoration.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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