Prologue; Spiraling..

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Issues and Solutions..

Current Trigger warnings;
Mentions of depression,

"I don't know if you've ever watched someone slowly spiral.. or yourself.. But; you can't just sit and let it happen, so do something.."

Patton muttered softly, eyes cast upon the distracted logical trait who seemed to be curled up on the couch, book in hand with his eyes trained on the pages.
A soft sigh leaving the moral trait as he glanced back at Virgil and Roman, a small sad smile tugging at the corner of his lips, fingers nervously fidgeting with his cardigan sleeves, retying them around his neck.

"We can't just watch him slowly lose himself.. it's not fair.." Roman attempted to cut in before Patton shook him off. "He told me himself;  'Whenever something gets better, it just seems to get worse..' I, well.. i didn't know what to say, i never expected him to open up to me.. but i told him that everything would be okay.."


"It's just so hard when it's a never ending repetitive cycle.."
The logical trait sighed softly, laying back on his bed, eyes up at the roof of his room, watching as his wallpaper slowly morphed into a darker shade to match his current emotions he was slowly letting break free from the dams he built himself.


"I feel like I'm going crazy.. I can't remember the last time I slept.."
He gulped softly, dismissively shaking his head softly as he sighed.
"Or maybe I'm just being overdramatic..–"

Patton cut in as he gently sat down on the bed beside him, gently entwining their fingers together as Logan's eyes averted, meeting his.
"I.. I'm here for you Logan, don't forget that.. we're here to help you through anything that's bothering you.. we're a family, aren't we..? That's what a good family does.. We support each other no matter what, we love you.."

"I..  I love you all too.."

"It's going to be okay.. I know it will, it'll just take some time.. and I'm not sure how long, but we're here, and we'll do whatever we can to help you.. do you need anything right now?"

The other paused before pushing himself up, offering his arms out to the moral side who gently pulled him into his lap, hugging him close as he gently rubbed his back, Logan slowly easing into the sudden touch as he rested his head on his shoulder, a small sigh leaving his parted lips in content.
He would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the attention and the comforting touches of the moral boy.

"Hey Logan.. do you mind I'd I say something?"

A small shake of the head in response as Patton nodded, gently running his fingers through his soft brown locks of hair, gently brushing out of his face as he pressed a light kiss to his forehead.

"I just wanted to tell you, we appreciate you so much, and we love everything you do out there, you're amazing at your job.. and you're such a incredible and beautiful person and we love you, so so- so! Much.. and we hope you get well soon..  it'll all get better soon.. I promise you.. it's going to be okay.."

Logan glanced up at him, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as Patton gently caressed his cheeks with his thumbs softly.

"You don't have to be so sad.. I know not everyone will always be on top, but you'll never be alone.., you'll always have our hands to hold so you won't lose control.. we're always here to take your hand and help you through your troubles without a problem..
It just proves you're stronger if you ask for help,and I'm happy you reached out to me before your thoughts got to you too much.."

A stray tear trailed down Logan's cheek as Patton smiled reassuringly to him as he carefully brushed his thumb over the tear, wiping it away in one soft swipe.

"We love you so much.."


Virgil gulped, hesitating before speaking as he sighed, shaking his head softly, anxiously running a hand through his messy hair as he cut in, apologising quickly to Patton as he did so. "But— P-Dad.. what if it.. what If it won't be okay? You can't promise things that you'll break..-"

"Virgil.. have I ever broken a promise to anyone before? When I promise things I mean it.. really kiddo, now run along.. go get Logan for breakfast."

Virgil sighed softly, nodding as he obediently walked over to Logan, Roman turning to Patton a small sad smile over his features as Patton sighed, the two glancing at the two traits. Remus and Janus just sitting at the table as they were told to by Patton, engaged in their own conversation.
They were talking about the same subject.. Logan.. Logic.. whatever you wanted to address him by.

"Do you really think it's going to get better, padrè..?

"I.." he gulped, sighing as he tightened the knot on his cardigan, tongue catching in his throat as he shrugged briefly. "I'm not sure.."

The creative trait sadly nodded, glancing away from Logan and to his twin as Remus gave him a lopsided smile, watching as he took a seat across from him and Janus.
The sides all living together in their own society, a reality they created, one in which they altered..
All the sides were.. one, sharing the mind scape and no longer splitting after news of the incident with Logan, the trait being found breaking down in the Imagination Realm by Janus.

The boy taking him under his wing, taking care of him and nursing him back to health or well.. to the best of his ability, gaining the information that Logan had been denying his natural needs such as eating healthily or eating at all.. the boy having skipped meals throughout the week  but brushed it off as nothing each time..

The deceitful male eventually bringing him back to the 'light sides' after what happened, informing Patton of what happened which eventually spread throughout the sides, even the neutral sides that normally stayed out of normal conflict..

Either way..

They were all one family now, sure they had their fall outs but who didn't?

"Hey.. bro, everything's gonna be okay, it'll just take some time and I'm sure he'll be back up on his feet in no time."
Remus flashed his usual goofy smile as Roman sighed, shrugging as he rested his head on his hands.
"He's telling the truth.." Janus mumbled, standing up before walking around to Roman, offering his arms just to get the creative trait to hug him as Remus pouted, getting up also, joining the small group hug.

"We haven't got this.. we can't help him.. I know we can't."

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