Chapter 3, Dandelions and flower petals

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Chapter 3

Dandelions and flower petals

-References to 'accidents'
-References to Remile


The gentle shake of his shoulder made him whine, slowly rubbing his eyes with balled up fists as he broke off into a soft yawn, before his eyelids fluttered open slowly, meeting the face of the coffee addict and insomniac.
"Sorry for waking you babe, but I thought you could do with a bath to have a quick clean up, you had a little accident in your sleep. It's okay, don't worry about it.. I promise I won't tell anyone, anyways, I hope you don't mind but I already have the bath ready."

Doesn't explain the smell of flowers..

Logan pondered to himself before slowly falling out of his small daze as he nodded softly to Remy, the other helping him up from the couch and to the bathroom, him being unable to recognise the building he was in.
The walls a soft creme colour with white skirting boards, the carpet a lighter shade of snow white with a few walls painted with various flowers varying from poppy flowers to dandelions, stretching over the unused walls.

His eyes landed on a brunette boy who sat at the end of the hallway him and Remy were walking down, him slowly applying a flourished light blue to the wall in only a flower he could recognise as a half finished Blue hydrangea, his eyes falling upon the wall as Remy cleared his voice softly, the male glancing back at them with a soft smile, placing the paintbrush down on an instant.
The warming smile given to them only made Logan return it with a small one of his own, the glasses wearing boy seemed to be dressed in a pastel pink shirt tucked into a black frayed skirt, his glasses round framed and a sort of.. childish glint in his eyes as well as a welcoming and parental touch to his whole demeanor.

"Hi! I'm Emile, or Dr.Picani, but I prefer being called by my proper name, Logan right?"

The logical trait hesitantly nodded, as Remy ruffled his hair softly as Emile giggled at the two of them.
"Nice to meet you! Anyway, You better be on your way before the water cools down, I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate a cold bath, I mean.. unless you prefer it that way."
Logan paused, opening his mouth to speak before Remy did it for him, normally.. he would feel ignored but having the two neutral sides taking care of him, he couldn't help but feel smaller.. like a child almost.


Liked it..?

"Come on babe, let's get you all cleaned up, and dressed back up in something nice and cosy for you."
Remy held his hand softly, Logan entwining his with the taller's, shyly nodding as he obediently followed Remy, the insomniac, pecking Emile's lips softly with a smile.
"We'll be out soon, I can't wait to see the finished painting sweetheart."
Emile flushed softly with a light link blush that dusted over his cheeks and tips of his ears, earning a small chuckle from the latter.

Him and Logan soon left the hallway as the logical trait obediently followed, happy to hold someone's hand and recieve the affection he missed from.. well, anyone really..

They eventually walked into the bathroom, Remy picking up and setting Logan on the closed toilet lid.
"You okay with bathing yourself?"
Logan slowly nodded, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to redeem himself.
"Y-yes.. I'll be fine, I'm sure I'll be able to do it, I've done it plenty of times before.-"
"If you're sure babe, if you need help or anything just call for me or Emile and we'll be right in to help, just one last thing, no locking the door.
None of us will walk in unless you call us in, okay?"

He listened to his words, slowly nodding as he listened to him, Remy smiling as he nodded, gently ruffling his hair as he stood.
"I'll get you some clothes for when you've done,"
He smiled, gently waving to him before walking out of the door.

Logan sighed softly, slowly undressing from the soiled clothes, neatly placing them aside before hesitantly placing them in the wash basket, he sighed, glancing down at the bath as he stepped in.
The water shone like a molten mirror. It had lost its turquoise to the night but in the moonlight beams of the lights above the ripples twisted; as if the water below them was shivering to loose the rays of light. Yet to Logan's feet, the warmth was still there, cocooned in the sub-aqua currents.. It was all the invitation he needed to sit in, and lay down into the welcoming blackness and leave his troubles bobbing on the surface above.

Logan had been told not to remove the candles from the shelves around the bathroom, some placed on the table beside the bath also. They were pure beeswax and expertly carved, with a wry grin Reny had struck a match. Then savouring the moment he lowered his hand with a grace bestowed upon him by thousands of dollars worth of ballet lessons. When the wick was alight he had left the room taking a quick trip to awaken Logan for the bath he had set up for him.
Now here the logical trait was, resting his head in his hands and settled in to watch the candles burn. At first there was only a little pool of molten wax in the middle and it wouldn't have been terribly damaged if he had blown it out then. So he listened to the words he had been told.

"Don't touch the candles, we don't want you hurt babe.."

Which he of course, obediently agreed to listen to.

He sighed softly, slowly washing himself as he relaxed in the bubble bath, eyes looking up at the roof as he took a deep breath.
The water enveloped him as closely as his own skin.. Every new sore stings like salt being washed in, but he knew it was the only way to avoid infection.. He winced as it swirled without mercy, penetrating to the cells that should be protected by smooth skin but lie open and raw. After the initial surge of pain it ebbed he could even enjoy his newfound weightlessness for a while, before Remy or Emile came to say

"it's time to get dry before the heat of the day has gone."

With great reluctance Logan placed his palms on the edge of the bath and pushed down hard and fast. The briny me-stew splashes onto the tiles of the floor in lined with sprays as he moved into the outstretched towel, embracing the comfort and warmth it brought to him..

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