Chapter 1; Nightmares and Accidents

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Chapter 1;

Nightmares and accidents

Trigger Warnings;
-Mentions of a nightmare
-Slight Gore mention
-Death mention (isn't real)
-Mentions of accidental bed wetting (nothing too descriptive)

The nightmare is more of a night terror, because it felt as if he might die from the pain in his brain.., desperately trying to wake up, screaming for help, yet nobody comes.. Logan left his bedroom on hands and knees, clawing his way to the stairs. Soon, he had a foreboding feeling that someone unwanted was in the house, that they have given some sort of drug and everything he could see wasn't real.. So he asked himself if the house looked right, are there any clues to say that he wasn't standing in his living room with a strange man on the couch.. And there in the corner of the room is a mantelpiece, bare of any ornaments. A suspiciously empty mantelpiece, the fire roaring but with no one around.. and Patton always made sure to add at least some sort of ornament there just to 'bedazzle' the place up a bit.. So either he knew he was either in a nightmare or this was another interrogation.. They asked how he know what he knew; and he would tell them that it was all obvious, he was clever, that's all..

Soon the scene changes, and there are several of them now, only they were in a cafe and they are attempting to create a friendly dream.. Perhaps they too were scared Logan was going to die..? They were in a cafe, and the man wears a smile that isn't a smile.. So Logan said he would speak with him if he moved to another table away from the others.. He did. At the table are toys for children, things he could touch that would calm his brain.. he could only tell 'him' again that he figured things out naturally, that it was easy for himself.. but it wasn't..

Life wasn't easy for him and hell.. he was aware of it..




Everything swirled within his mind, slowly tormenting him and driving him insane minute by minute..

The scene changed once more, this time a basement.. pitch black; as if he had, had his eyes gouged out.. His body washed cold. He brought his fingers to his eye sockets; they were still there.. An audible sigh in relief left his parted lips just for him to turn back to the stairs and attempt to run up them, but his foot fell through each one like it was a mere projection..

So how had he walked down them?

He leaned forwards to touch the stairs and felt a fabric fall down his arm, soft and velvety.. Cold metal touched his forehead, one grope told him it was a pointed hat, like a fairy tale crown.. He grabbed it and a mirror appeared in front of him, glowing like a television screen. It was him.., broken face and all, dressed like some picture book king.

He swallowed. “The King must die,” isn't that what the disembodied voice said? Without sight of any knife in the mirror the image began to bleed from the neck.. He raised his hand to feel the sticky warm fluid about his throat.. His eyes widened, unseen in the mirror as his mouth hung agape, a sharp thrill of a scream left him; the image laughing at his misery..

In a blink he was in dirty jeans once more, facing a shadow like figure, two playing cards in hand, each of them turned away from him, making it impossible to figure out which ones were held..

Choose a card..”

Then Logan awoke in his bed, his brain feeling shot through and coughing from the tail end of a cold.. It was the most intense nightmare and I was never more glad to see the light of day..
A loud knock at the door echoed through causing him to flinch, Only just realising the uncomfortable feeling of the bedsheets and his unicorn onesie sticking to his body as his eyes widened in realisation.
He cursed beneath his breath, eyes darting up to the door, hearing the voice on the other side, temporarily frozen in place.

"Kiddo! You okay in there?"

His voice caught in his throat as Patton patiently waited on the other side of the door, waiting patiently for a response, Logan managing to speak after a while.
"Y-yes Patton I'm fine–"

"You sure Logie? I heard you scream.. did you have a bad dream? Do you want me to come in and comfort you? I can do that-"

"No! No, Patton I'm fine, I'm fine.. really, you can go now."

"I.. okay kiddo, if you need me I'll be in the kitchen.."

He listened out for the footsteps of the other side to disappear down the hallway before quickly throwing his wet bedsheets aside, shuddering at the feeling as he sighed, grabbing a towel and taking off his wet onesie, throwing it onto his bed as he sighed, shuffling into his bathroom, locking the door behind himself as he turned on the water, knowing it would be logical to shower and clean himself off.

Patton however, well..

Hearing the other stammer and he obviously worried the dad like trait.. so he waited intim he heard the shower turn on before opening the door quietly sliding into the logical side's room, eyes landing on the bedsheets when the smell hit him, him quietly nodding to himself. "Oh.. oh.."
He gulped, walking over as he clicked his fingers, the bedsheets and onesie being cleaned in a matter of minutes as he smiled faintly, scribbling down a small note as he neatly folded the onesie up, placing it on the bedside table for Logan before walking out and letting the boy take his time in the shower.

Eventually the logical side stepped out, drying himself off and changing into a fresh pair of clothes before daudling back into his room, pausing at the sight before him, his bed washed and neatly made and his unicorn onesie set aside for later use.
He hesitated before walking over to his desk, picking up the small note, reading over it.

His lips parting as he gulped dryly, the word slipping off his tongue unintentionally.


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