Chapter 6, Thinking.. so tired of thinking..

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Chapter 6

Thinking.. So tired of thinking..

-Thoughts of Self harm
-Mentions of Insomnia..?
-Remus. Precious rat enby.


The Misfits..

A family who all felt the same..

All went through the same pain, and all fought the same way until they found one another to stand by and help up from being knocked down..

They all felt it when their 'friends' had began to describe their work..

It was the feeling that no matter how hard they tried, they just couldn't do anything right. Their works of art were mere copies of another.. Their thousands of words on a page were not yet adequate to the demands. The raw feeling in their fingers was something to be ashamed of..

They felt unaccomplished..

And as their so called 'friends' ranted on about how 'this needs to change' and 'that needs editing' and 'this isn't good enough'.. they began to realize that no matter what they did, someone else, somewhere has already done it, and it was nothing to be proud about.
They had tried their bests to create a worded artwork of something amazing, and it came out a stick figure of a worst nightmare..

And they didn't want to have to put up with it anymore.

They didn't like the feeling of having no imagination, of having no good ideas..
They hated feeling as they were being rained upon every time they placed in an idea.

They hated the feeling of being obsolete.. and that's what their old families made them feel like..


Every night is a futile tussle of conflicting thoughts.. Logan didn't want to sleep, not yet. He just spent fourteen hours working and he wasn't ready to wake in the morning to rinse and repeat. Though, his second voice chastises him, the longer he lay in that bed the more chance of sleep he had and the 'better' tomorrow will be..
But he knew that between now and the return of daylight are his zombie hours- when he was mostly awake but dozing in fitful spurts. Six hours will feel like sixty yet he'll rise as if it was less than ten minutes of down time, just as exhausted as he was now..
Then he would put on the wrong clothes, leave the milk on the counter and realise his flashcards are missing.
He can't be the only one with this sleeplessness.. He wondered if humans have always been this way or if it's part of the price we pay for our modern lifestyles..

Either way it fucking sucked;
"tired until I retire," now there's a slogan to see Logan through the next two decades..

Now here he lay, curled up in the arms of Remus, who was assigned by Remy to keep an eye on him and take care of him for the night, being told about the other's.. 'childish' side to him.
After all, the new family had a well..

"Family meeting"

Not too long ago after Remus had saved Logan from breaking down in front of the so called 'light sides'.


Logan smiled softly and cuddled more into the gender non-confirming side, yawning softly as he felt a and thread through his hair, slowly playing with the brunette mess of locks. The second that he thought he was about to fall asleep, thoughts flooded into his mind and none of them good thoughts by any means.. His smile quickly faded, his face falling as he soon fell into an emotionless state of mind, staring off into space as he felt cotton cloud over his mind and himself slowly start to dissociate within the grasp of the other.

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