Chapter 2, Confrontation and Confusion

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Chapter 2;

Confrontation and Confusion

-Mentions of intrusive thoughts
-Mentions of depression
-Mentions of headcannons
-Sensory Overload

He knows..

He knows..

The words taunted his mind as he gulped, shaky hands holding the small written to him by the dad figure as he gulped back his anxiousness hoping Virgil wouldn't show up expecting an explanation over his anxious feeling.

His fingers trembled as he held onto the glittery light blue piece of paper that had obviously been conjured up by the moral trait, the remains of Patton's childish magic left on the paper as a silver splash of glitter had been piled on the bottom corner of it.

His eyes dancing over the fancy calligraphy as he sighed, chest slowly rising and falling with each breath a he tried his best to control it as he read.
His fingers hesitantly brushing over the glitter as he tilted his head softly in curiosity.


To Logie-Bear!

I hope you don't mind, but I washed your sheets and clothes for you! You don't have to talk about what happened if you don't want to, I'm here for you no matter what Logie!

Anyway, breakfast is nearly done, so when you're ready come on down!

Ps; I won't tell anyone-
Pps; Meet me at my room after breakfast,

Thank you kiddo!
~Happy Pappy Patton (Dad)

He hesitantly placed the note back down, gently drying off his hair before he felt his mind cloud over, seemingly forgetting about his troubles as his legs beneath him felt weak from holding up his body for the short amount of time as he stumbled over to his bed, his fingers gently crumbling the glitter between his thumb and index finger, watching as it slowly fell to the carpet. He groaned lightly, feeling a headache slowly surface as he shakily ran a hand through his messy, wet hair. 

His hands gently grasped onto the towel around himself as he hesitantly and slowly dried himself off properly, he took a deep breath as he glanced over at his wardrobe seeing his clothes already hung up and ready for the day though feeling a small unknown feeling bubble up within him.

His gaze landed on his tie, suddenly feeling the urge to just ditch the whole outfit, dress back up in his onesie and sleep the day away. He knew it wasn't like him to think that way in the first place never mind the fact that he couldn't stop his mind from wandering as his eyes averted to a small stuffed bear on his desk as he gulped, trying to fight back the sudden want to grab, cuddle and pamper the inanimate object.

He gulped softly before his eyes slowly blurred over as he took off his glasses, gently wiping them before his fingers met the damp skin to only just realise he was crying. He sniffled, glancing down at his hands. 

I'm crying over a teddy bear? What's wrong with me..?

"Logan! Open up, teach!"

He cursed, sniffling as he wiped away his tears quickly, throwing on his clothes, grimacing at the linen and denim against his skin as he whined, shaking his hands softly, trying to ignore the growing sensory overload as he took a deep breath, anxiously tugging on his tie, fiddling with his tie as the soft fabric brushed through his fingers as he tied it.

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