Chapter 5, Pain and Hope..

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Chapter 5,

Pain and hope..

-Self depricating thoughts
-Pressuring to eat / Unsympathetic Virgil
-Writer's venting
-Nonbinary Remus
-Description of puking,

A/N; My art above for those who wanted to see.. ~Michael


It hurt..

It hurt so fucking bad..

He didn't even know why he was being so 'dramatic' that wasn't his job, he was Logic, cold, stone hearted and emotionless emotions were unneeded to him, but..

It hurt..

He didn't know how to describe it, the burning sensation in his eyes as his tear glads whelled up in his chocolate brown eyes, breathing limited, sharp and heavy breathes leaving him as his heart ached, thundering against his chest like a drum being hit repetitively.
He knew he cold push through this feeling as he knew it was only normal to.. normal..

'Wounds heal but scars stay the same..' -Eminem..

The quote..  the quote meant so much to him as he knew all he had to do was 'find the light' and slowly calm down.. but at the same time, his shaky hands threw his glasses aside, the glass shattering in the frame, clattering over his floor as he fell to his knees, compressing the urge to scream..  shout, anything..
He w̶a̶n̶t̶e̶d̶, no- needed to release the agony within him, his tears flowing and falling down his cheeks, cascading down like raindrops down a window, slow and steady..

It was pathetic..

Pathetic how weak he was..

To fall apart after just hearing himself being told to "Eat" by no one other than the anxious trait himself, it hit his heart like a bullet, sharp and quick, feeling the pain course through him like the impact of a bullet train.
Painful.. but quick and long lasting after an accidental survival..

The breakdown was a slow moving train wreck at first.. Virgil noticed the weight loss first, but Logan couldn't recall trying to diet.. He asks when he last ate and Logan didn't know. His appetite had just gone, like a switch had been flicked..
Virgil told him to eat, makes an overly large sandwich and passes it over. He wanted to eat it, to prove that he could but it wouldn't go down and no amount of forcing it would help.
Virgil got angry quick, his words bellowing, loud and clear almost ringing through the whole of the mindpalace,


Then the vomiting started, but there was just that bite, there wasn't anything else down there.. Logan could see his face, panic.


He thinks was just faking and so Logan took another bite just to repeat the gagging, feeling the fear build... none of that meant anything good..

He remembered the tears, the difficulty to speak, choking out the words,
"I.. I can't.. it's too hard.."
Feeling his mind as it snapped some more. "P-please.. just l-leave me alone.." his voice faltered some more, trying to push himself up to leave the table. "You're not leaving until you eat."
Every word was alien and Logan never knew what would spill out next from himself, puke, words.. some sort of excuse..? Screams, shouting..?
His head felt like a box of long ago dusty junk tumbling into the light, forced by an unseen hand...

At first there was silence. A misty haze upon the horizons of Logan's mind.. That's were he kept everything, in his mind. That was until now. He could feel the hard painful lump in the back of his throat as the tears began to form.. Slowly his breathing hallowed itself and a small but intense pain struck the top nerve in his head. Before he knew it there was shouting , they were his own, yet they seemed so distant.. Tears streaked his face and time had fast forwarded.. he couldn't remember the briefest of moments of what had happened, all he saw was Remus thankfully showing up in time, noticing Logan's distress as they helped him out of his chair after pushing Virgil away, as the logical trait just willingly let the other sink them down into the imagination.

Remus helping the boy to the bathroom in the Neutral Side's hallway just in time as they kicked the door open, Logan's stomach contracting so violently that he had barely no time to reach the toilet bowl. Chunks of food covered in the creamy chyme from her stomach were propelled into the air and splattered the toilet bowl. Just for him to heave again and once more the ceramic bowl was sprayed. Now he couldn't move until he was aware and believed that he was finished vomiting. He was felt weak..

He sank to his knees and retched until only clear liquid was coming up.. His throat felt sore from the stomach acid that was layering it and his mouth tasted of vomit.. The stomach-acid stench of vomit filled his nostrils as he surveyed the mess with watery eyes and his stomach dry-heaved again.
Remus remained behind him, gently rubbing his back reassuringly as they tried their best to comfort him until Logan had pulled away, back falling back as he shifted, leaning against the bathtub as he closed his eyes, taking a deep shaky breath before his eyes slowly fluttered open agai, turning his head towards Remus, the caustic fluid coating his mouth said one thing, "Water."

Of course, he listened, leaving the boy to his own devices, rushing off to the kitchen where Remy stood, having heard the wrenching of the logical side and having watched the two rush to the bathroom, handing Remus a glass of water as he nodded In thanks, making his way back to Logan who stood, brushing his teeth in attempt to rid the putrid tasting and smelling vomit and stomach acid from his mouth, knowing the possibilities of tooth decay if he didn't.

Remus sighed softly, reassuringly smiling as he walked into the room, being seen in the reflection of the mirror as Logan sadly smiled, rinsing out his mouth before thanking Remus, gulping down the cold water as he let out a sigh of relief as his tensed shoulders soon relaxed as he finished off the glass, relishing in the comforting feeling of Remus hugging him as he sighed, gently resting on their shoulder.
"T-thank you.."

"No problem.. how about we go take a nap hm? You might need it after all that trouble you were put through.."

He heistantly nodded with a small and weak smile, though obeying and nodding anyway, yelping softly as he felt himself being picked up and carried to one of the spare rooms, now labelled 'Lolo/Logan's Room ♡'
Emile being the one to label all the doors from the new residents there, the sides easily moving out from their respected places and now moving into the Neutral side's household.

Emile, Remy, Roman,
Remus and Logan..

The new family and group of sides, no matter their differences.. they made their own family and they were going to stand by it, no matter what..

The sides replacing Roman and Remus?

Pride and 'Orange.'

Logan  couldn't be replaced.. of course, he was 'logic' no one could replace logic, no matter how unneeded hs was at times, being forced to show up when he least wanted to, he did his best to Strang away from the 'light sides' and return back to his own family, the name of them, a little.. Idiotic, even with both sides of creativity on their side, they all settled for the family name of;


After all..

That's what they were..

Just a family of misfits, fighting for their own rights and survival amongst the mind of their host..

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