Chapter 3

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School was finally over for the day. Once I got home I took a quick shower and finished up my homework for the day. It was surprisingly easy. It was now 6:00 p.m and I was about to go to bed since I had nothing else to do until I remembered. I went over to my desk and grabbed the movies I bought yesterday. 

My options were Halloween, Friday the 13th, Hellraiser, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Stab. 

I think I'll watch Halloween. 

I turned on the television and started making popcorn. I hadn't put in the movie yet and listened to what was on at the moment. It was a news channel discussing the murders. I turned up the volume and let it play. When saying the names of the victims, one of the names caught my attention. 

"Randy Meeks."

I was surprised to see who it was. When they said his name they showed an image of him. 

It was him. It was the worker from the video store. He was one of the victims? 

He seemed nice and friendly. As much as I wanted to feel bad about his death, I couldn't. I didn't know him. We only talked for a couple minutes. That was all. 

Still, I hope he didn't suffer.

I hope his death was quick.

I sat there thinking until I finally started the movie. I was about 45 minutes into the movie until I heard my phone ring. 

"Hello?" I spoke.


The voice on the other end was deep and raspy. 

"Do I know you?" I asked.

"I don't know. Do you?" 

"Noah? Is this you?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

" Maybe."

"Noah, I'm a bit tired. I was about to head to bed. Can we talk later?"

"What are you watching?" the voice had asked.


I left the television on.

I laughed nervously.


"Ooh. I like that movie. It's scary." the voice teased. 

"I guess so." 

"Do you like scary movies?" the man asked.

"If I didn't like them I probably wouldn't be watching one right now."

"What's your favorite scary movie?"

"I don't know. Maybe.. Friday the 13th." I replied in an uncertain tone.

I was about to ask the voice what his favorite movie was until I heard a car pull up in my driveway. 

"I'm sorry. I have to go now." I told the voice.

"I'll call you again. Soon." 

The voice sounded a bit annoyed and angry but I didn't really think about it. I opened my front door and saw my mother with Edward.

"I got the job!" my mom exclaimed.

"That's really great, Mom. I'm happy for you." 

I was happy but also a bit disappointed. Maybe it was selfish, but part of me hoped she didn't get the job. That way, she and I could spend more time together. When she wasn't busy with work she never talked to me. She was always with Edward.

"So, how was school, hon?" my mom had asked.

"It was fine. The teachers were okay. The same goes for the students I guess." 

"Nothing exciting happened? Did you make any friends?"

"No, not really." I lied.

I didn't bother telling her about the fact that I was questioned by the police the moment I got there. I didn't want her to worry too much and move us.. again. Plus, she had enough on her plate. About an hour later I finished the movie. I turned off the lights down stairs and walked upstairs. I got to my room and sat on my bed. It was a bit hot in my room so I decided to open my window. It was 8:00 p.m now, this time, I really had nothing else to do. So, with that, I fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night to rustling in my room. Did a bird get in? I quickly got up and scanned my room. I ran to my window and looked outside. I could've sworn I saw a black figure running at the corner of my eye. I didn't wake up my mom because I wasn't exactly sure.

Feeling a bit paranoid, I couldn't go back to sleep that night. I was up all night questioning if what I saw was real. Even though I don't like coffee very much, I made a cup and quickly ran up to my room, careful not to spill any. I was up reading about the most recent murders and about the murders from a year ago.  Apparently it all dates back to two years ago. Two years ago a woman called Maureen Roberts Prescott was violently raped and killed by a man called Cotton Weary. Cotton Weary was eventually given the death penalty and died by lethal injection. A year after Maureen's death her husband, Neil Prescott  went on a killing spree and ended up murdering five people. Those five people being Steven Orth, Casey Becker, Arthur Himbry, Kenny Jones, and Tatum Riley. Neil Prescott was given the death penalty not too long ago and also died by lethal injection. Everything was quiet up until two days ago. Two days ago Sidney Prescott and Randy Meeks were killed. If this is a copycat then they're most likely going to target people who were close to the two. If not, then the killer is going to go after a certain friend group. The only question I have is, who's next? If they do target friends of the victims, then my only assumption is that the next victims are Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. This is because these two were friends with Tatum, Sidney, and Randy. Billy Loomis and Stu Macher also survived an attack by Sidney's father. If this is the case then I doubt those two are going to make it to the sequel. If they target a specific friend group then I'm not too sure which one it would be. There are lots of those in Woodsboro. I don't have enough information on the killer to know what kind of copycat we're dealing with here. Although, there is a chance this copycat killer is also connected to the victims, all things considered. Either that or someone wanted to finish what Neil Prescott started. What am I missing? This killer most likely isn't an amateur but still, what wasn't I seeing? I just need this guy to slip up. Make a mistake or two, maybe I could be the one who catches him. It's a bit selfish to think about this, but, I just needed him to kill a few more people. That way I can figure out his patterns and skills. There was nothing else. No more information. This killer could be anyone. Maybe even someone I knew. By the time I was done with my research it was 3:00 a.m. 

Maybe I should take a quick nap before school. 

That's what I did. 

By the time I woke up it was 7:30 a.m. 

Shit. I'm late.

Why didn't mom wake me up?

I took a quick shower and ran down stairs. I called out to my mother but got no reply. I was getting ready to leave until something caught my eye. It was a note.

"I went out for work early today and won't be back till tomorrow night. Stay safe! - Mom."

She couldn't have told me about this yesterday? 

By the time I left my house it was 8:00 a.m, I didn't have time for breakfast so my stomach was growling the whole way there. 

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