Chapter 12

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Thursday morning I woke up around 6:00 a.m and went over to Amy's room to see if she was awake. She wasn't. I started tugging at her blanket to wake her up and she wouldn't budge. I eventually gave up and took a shower. I changed into some clean clothes and got some extra clothes for Amy. I went back to her room and she wasn't there. I walked downstairs and saw her eating breakfast.

"Hey, Y/n!" she yelled while stuffing her face. 

"Here. Change. We're gonna be late." I told Amy while handing her some of my clothes.

"Thanks!" she yelled while running upstairs to change.

 I waited for what felt like hours until she eventually came downstairs. 


With that the two of us walked to school. We were a bit early so we waited outside. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and expected to see Stu but was surprised when I saw Billy. 

"Hi, Billy." I smiled.

"Hey, Y/n." 

At the corner of my eye I saw Noah with Amy. 

Should I tell her? 

The bell rang telling us to go to our classes and we did.

Stu, Noah, and I walked to our first class and before we were about to leave said class we heard a loud feedback on the school speakers.

"Good morning, students. I wanted to remind you all about the memorial we're having in the school gym on Friday. We're going to talk about the students we lost and give you kids a chance to mourn your peers. Please, be respectful and join us on Friday. That is all." 

Once the announcement was over I walked to my next classes. They were the all the same. Nothing out of the ordinary. I headed to lunch while holding Billy's hand and we sat close to each other on a bench. Sitting by us were Stu, Noah, and Amy.

"I'm throwing a party today. Are you guys coming?" Stu asked.

"Yeah! Sounds like fun!" Amy yelled.

Billy and I both nodded and continued eating our lunch. 

Once lunch was over Billy, Stu, and I headed to our History class. Nothing special happened in this class either. The same goes for my last class. Journalism. Everything was the same in all my classes. No one really taught us anything we didn't already know. The only thing people were interested in was the murders. 

Once school was over I went back to all my classes and picked up the work I had missed for the week. I had lot's of work to catch up on. The first thing I did when walking into my house was homework. After a few hours I finally finished my work and let out a sigh of relief. I jumped on my bed and rested my eyes. Realizing what time it was I got back up and got dressed. I tiredly walked out of my house and over to Stu's. His house had more people than before and it was a bit suffocating. 

After a while of looking for my friends I finally found them by a television being surrounded by multiple people. They were watching a horror movie I had never seen before. Once the movie was over everyone had left leaving Billy, Stu, Noah, Amy, and I by ourselves. Noah and Amy had gotten into a fight so Stu suggested that they 'solved their problems' in a room upstairs. 

Billy and I watched more movies while eating popcorn until we heard a scream. It came from the room Noah and Amy were in. Billy and I ran to the source of the noise and were shocked by the scene in front of us. It was Amy laying dead on the floor. Standing next to her lifeless body was Noah. He didn't say anything.

Was I seeing this right?

Did Noah really kill Amy?

Was this a prank?

Behind me was Stu. While I was frozen in shock Stu had stabbed Billy's side.

"Billy..?" my voice was shaking at this point.

"I didn't want you to find out this way." was all he said.

With that he stabbed Stu's side.


Before I could say anything more I heard a gunshot. 

Noah's lifeless body hit the floor leaving him laying next to Amy.

Billy wiped off the gun and placed it in Noah's hand.

What are you doing, Billy?

This was all happening way too fast.

Why did you kill Noah?

My mind had no time to process all of this new information.

On one hand I finally got what I wanted.


On the other hand I had just been an accomplice to murder.

Billy noticed the way I was acting and walked towards me.

"I thought this was what you wanted!" he yelled.

Was this my fault?

"You said you believed the killer was Noah!"

I didn't want to be right.

"Say something, Y/n!" Billy yelled while shaking me.

I fell to my knees and Billy held me in his arms.

This feels wrong.

Am I a horrible person for still loving this man?

"Y/n.. I called the police. I told them you were hurt in the process."

Was he going to kill me?

I dried off my tears and saw him holding a knife. 

"Do you want me to do it?" he asked.

I closed my eyes. 

Once I opened them I saw a bright white light.

I had passed out and when I woke up I saw Billy next to me. 

There was a paramedic pointing a light into my eyes and another fixing up my injuries. Once they were done I walked outside and was swarmed by reporters. I ignored and walked past the reporters. Billy brought me into his car and drove me back home. I said nothing to him during the drive. There was nothing I could say. I was so tired and just wanted to go to bed. I laid on my bed and thought about what Billy said to me.

"I thought this was what you wanted!"

Did he do this for me?

I wanted so badly to feel for the victims but I couldn't. 

The only thing I could think about was Billy.

Everything was adding up. 

It made so much more sense.

I truly believed that Noah was the killer.

I was wrong.

It was Billy Loomis and Stu Macher.

I stayed up the whole night throwing away the pieces from my murder board. 

What was I going to do?

I couldn't go back to sleep that night. I was so tired but couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened. 

I skipped my classes and only went to school for the memorial. There were pictures of Randy, Sidney, Andrew, Sophia, Mia, Oliver, and Amy. There were none of Noah.

What was I doing here?

Did I come here to pay respects to the people I could have saved?

I shouldn't have come here.

I got up and started walking out of the gym. Behind me was Billy and Stu.

"Y/n?" they both said with shock in their voices.

What do I do?

I slowly turned to the two of them.

What do I say? 

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