Chapter 4

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By the time I got to school there were even more reporters than there was yesterday. 

What's going on?

I was about to ask someone about it until someone grabbed my arm.

"Y/n?! Where were you? I was so worried!" 

"Hey, Sophia. What's going on?" I asked.

"You didn't hear?! Some guy ditched his fourth period class and didn't return back home. His parents were worried and called the cops but they couldn't find him either. Everyone just assumed he was out partying but turns out he was still at school!" she explained.

"What happened to him?"

"He was murdered! Guts splattered everywhere!" she exclaimed while moving her arms in the air.

"Schools out for the rest of the week!" she further explained. 

"Did he have any friends?" I asked.

"I mean, that's besides the point.. but yes! He did. He was actually a friend of Noahs!"

This is good. Unfortunate for the victim, but good for me. 

"I have to go."

Before I got the chance to move I felt an arm grab my waist.

"Where are we going?" he asked with a grin.

It was Stu. Billy stood behind him.

"I have to go home. My mom'll be worried if she hears about this before I get the chance to explain it to her." I replied while taking his arm off of me. 

"Well, why don't we come with you?" Stu asked.

"Yeah! We'll protect you!" the ginger added.

"Thanks. But, I'll be fine." and with that I started walking back the way I came from.


"Yes?" I turned to Billy.

"Be careful." he replied.

"I will."

Once I got home I ran up stairs and added more to my research. I had more than enough evidence to come up with a murder board. This killer isn't finishing where Neil Prescott left off. He's creating a sequel! Based off of the information I gathered today, I think it's safe to say this killer is either a student or a worker from the school. There were still lots of gaps to fill, but still! At least I knew it wasn't a random guy. Plus, this means I got to observe the killer even without knowing who he was. 

After doing some research, I found out the boys name. The one who was killed during fourth period, yesterday. His name was Andrew Johnson. If I'm right, then I think the killer has already found his next victims. I'm sure his next victims are going to be the friends of Andrew. One of those friends being Noah. Noah has lots of friends but he mostly hangs out with Sophia, Mia, Billy, and Stu. Although, I did say that the killer is someone close to the victims. Meaning it's either Noah, Mia, Sophia, Billy, and Stu. Sophia seemed kind and sweet, although she was friends with Mia and she's horrible. The only ones who really seem capable of murder are Noah, Sophia, and Mia. Billy and Stu were the friends of the original victims. There's no way either of them were the killer. While researching a bit more about Andrew Johnson I realized there were other ways to determine who the killer was.

The 'Stab' movie.

The Stab movie was based on the true story of the Woodsboro murders. If there's anything I'm missing, this movie will help me. I searched for the movie for what felt like hours, but no luck. I couldn't find it. Did I misplace it? Did I leave it at the video store? No. I remember seeing it yesterday just before I went to bed. In a desperate attempt to watch the movie I waked over to the video store and tried finding another copy. No luck. The movies had sold out ever since the murders started up again. Just my luck. Just then, I had an idea. I grabbed my telephone and dialed Mia's number. If anyone had a copy, it was her. 

No answer. 


I tried dialing Sophia's number.

No answer.

I hesitantly dialed Noah's number.

No answer.

In a final attempt to watch the movie I dialed Billy's number.


"Billy, is that you?" I asked.

"Yeah, what's up?" 

"This may sound a bit strange but.. do you happen to have a copy of 'Stab'?" I asked, desperately.

"Yeah, I do. Why?"

"Research purposes?" I said in an uncertain voice.

"I'll bring it to you." 

"Don't you need my address?" I asked.

"Yeah." he laughed nervously.

"It's 234 Turner Lane." 

It took Billy about 15 minutes to get here and when he did, Stu was with him. 

"Hey, babe!" was what Stu said as soon as he saw me. 

With that, the two of them invited themselves in and sat on a couch in front of my television, in my living room. I wasn't exactly planning on watching it with anyone else, but, oh well. I don't think either of them are the killer. 

"Hey, have you spoke to Sophia or Noah?" I asked trying to break the silence.

"Yeah! They're at Mia's party!" Stu exclaimed.

Mia's party. 

I didn't know she was throwing a party today. I guess I wasn't invited. 

I took a seat in between the two men and started the movie. 

"Popcorn?" I asked

"Sure." they both replied.

During the first 5 minutes of the movie the room was filled with awkward silence. That was until Stu cracked a joke and wouldn't stop talking for the rest of the movie. I couldn't really pay attention to the movie and soon grew tired. Before I knew it my head fell onto Billy's shoulder.

"I'm sorry!" I quietly yelled while getting up.

"I don't mind." he teased.

Before I could say anything the movie ended. I didn't get any information that I didn't already have. Stu offered to stay the night and protect me but I protested.

There was a bit of a mess made so I cleaned it up. I was getting ready to go up stairs until I heard,


I hesitantly picked up the phone and in a tired voice spoke,


I was met with the same familiar deep and raspy voice. 

"Hello, again." the voice spoke.



"Who was I talking to before?" I asked.


"Oh. Then, who am I talking to?" 


"Is this a joke?" I asked.

"Not at all!"

Amused, I played along.

"Are you going to kill me, Mr. Ghostface?" I teased. 

"I haven't decided yet." 

"Oh please don't! I want to be in the sequel!" I exclaimed. 

That night I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

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