Chapter 7

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I was woken up by the same familiar rustling I heard three days ago. This time I heard it in my living room, downstairs. I grabbed a baseball bat from my room and quietly walked downstairs.

It's moments like these that make me hate having stairs. They're always so squeaky.

The rustling stopped.

Did they hear me?
Did they leave?

Once I was downstairs I caught a figure move at the corner of my eye and without thinking I swung the bat in that direction. The figure caught it and said nothing.


It was dark downstairs so I couldn't see who it was.

"Noah.. is that you?" I asked, my voice shaking.

No answer.

"Noah, this isn't funny. My parents are going to be home soon." I lied.

"Don't lie to me, Y/n."

The voice of this person was deep and raspy, unlike Noah's.

"Who are you?" I asked.

No answer.

"I'm going to call the cops so I suggest you leave!" I yelled as my voice shook.

The figure then pushed me against a wall and I could see who it was.

"No cops." was all that the figure in a Ghostface costume said.

Was this the real Ghostface?
Is someone playing a prank on me?
I wasn't close to anyone. Who would do this?

If this was the real Ghostface was he going to...

"Let's watch a movie." he persisted.

"Huh?!" I asked in shock.

"We'll watch Friday the 13th. It's one of your favorites, right?"

How did he know that?

I stood there in shock.

He grabbed my arm and brought me to sit by him on a couch in front of my television. I didn't sit down. It was all just so confusing.

"I'll make popcorn. Just sit here and behave."

With that, he stood up and did what he said he was going to.

This has to be Stu playing a prank on me. He knew some of my favorite movies and he knew where I lived. He was also one of the many people wearing a Ghostface costume at his party. But, what was he doing here? And how was his voice so..


I finally caved in realizing there was no way I could get, who I believed to be Stu, to leave. I took the seat next to him.

"Thanks.. Stu?" I said with a hint of uncertainty in my voice.


"Do you want to take off your mask?" I asked curious to see the man behind the mask.


About 45 minutes into the movie my curiosity grew.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was bored."

"That's all then? There's no other reason you're here?"

"What other reason would there be?" He asked moving his face closer to mine.

At this point I could feel my face getting warmer.

"I- I don't know! I just-" at this point I was struggling to get words out.

"Is there anything else you want to do, Y/n?"

"No.." I mumbled quietly.

Another 15 minutes of the movie had passed and at this point I felt a weight on my shoulder.

Did he fall asleep?

I turned over to the man only to see he was still awake after hearing his voice.

"You don't mind, do you?" he teased.

I nodded.
"No, I don't"

"Are you tired?" he asked.

"Not really." I said trying not to yawn.

This man could see right through my lies because once I said that he grabbed a nearby blanket and wrapped it around me. This made me feel safe. Even though I suspected this might not have been Stu, I didn't resist. He hasn't done anything to make me feel unsafe. Plus, even if it wasn't Stu, I was sure it was someone I knew.

Once the movie was over I was a bit disappointed because this meant the person would leave.

"Do you want to stay?" I boldly asked.

I continued on by saying I had a guest room and he could take it for the night. The guest room was on the bottom floor directly below my room, on the top floor.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

After realizing what I just asked him I got nervous.

"You don't have to if you don"t want to!" I yelled.

"I'll stay." he said calmly.

I showed him where his room was and he walked in locking the door. I went into my room and changed into sleep clothes but was restless the whole night. I couldn't figure out why I just asked someone, who I may not even know, to sleep in my home. I eventually drifted off to sleep and woke up a few hours later.

Once I woke up I ran downstairs to see if the the man in the mask was still there. He wasn't. I figured he left while I was still asleep.

I took out a bowl, some cereal, and milk. I was playing with my food more than I was eating it. I flipped through television programs bored of all my options. I finally chose a show and began watching it. After about 15 minutes in, I grew bored of the show and went upstairs. There was nothing to do up there either.
I grabbed an unfinished book from my shelf and began reading it. The last time I had picked up the book was a couple months ago so I started from the very beginning. Nothing that happened in the book gave me the shock I had hoped for. But that was expected, all things considered. I was halfway finished with the book when I heard ringing.

I ran downstairs hoping it would be Billy or even the person claiming to be Ghostface, but was surprised to hear Noah's voice. He's still alive?

"Y/n, is that you?" he asked.

"Yeah, do you need something?"

"Yeah. I wanted to introduce you to a friend of mine." he said.

"I'm a bit busy today." I told him.

I wasn't exactly lying. I was planning on finishing my book today and that would take a while.

"Please! I have no one else to call! It's just a one time thing. I promise!"

At that moment I felt as if he was slightly altering the truth but I complied.


He told me the time and place.
We were going to meet at an amusement park around 5:00 p.m

I hung up the telephone and called Billy.
He answered almost immediately.

"Hey, Billy. Are you busy tonight?" I asked.

"No, what's up?"

"Noah want's to introduce me to a friend of his and I don't want to go by myself. If you see Stu can you invite him too?" I asked desperately.

"Alright. We can go. Do you need us to drive you there?" he offered.

"That's okay. I'm fine with walking."

I told him the time and place.
I still had some time to spare so I continued reading my book.
Around 3:30 I got up and walked over to my shower. I stepped into the warm shower and let out a sigh as the warm water hit my back. Once I was out I brushed my teeth, and dried my hair and body.

I put on a comfortable long-sleeved shirt and paired it with baggy jeans.
After this, I walked out my front door, remembering to lock it, and began walking towards the amusement park.

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