Chapter 9

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Monday morning was the same as any other morning. I woke up, brushed my teeth, and ate breakfast. My mom was still home and after seeing that I had nothing to do she asked me to run errands with her. 

The first place we arrived to was the post office. We dropped off a few packages and left. I was honestly a bit surprised to see that she even had people to send mail to. I was under the impression she didn't have anyone to talk to.
After leaving the post office we went to the mall. The two of us left the mall with more bags than we could carry. About two of those bags were mine, the rest were hers. I knew she made lot's of money from her new job but this felt like a bit much. 

We left the mall around 1:30 p.m, feeling hungry the two of us stopped at a small cafe, bought some drinks and left. We stopped in a nearby park and sat on a bench. With that, the two of us caught up. 

"How has school been, Y/n?" she asked.

"Just like the others." I said.

"Oh really? I wasn't aware people were killed in your other schools too. Is this something you planned on keeping from me?" 

I already told her all that I knew. This wasn't her talking. It was Edward. Ever since the two of them got married she started acting different. 

"This is the longest you and I have gone talking to each other. I did plan on telling you sooner but you were never there to listen to me." I told her. 

"I want to be here for you but I've been so busy, Y/n!" she yelled.

"Even before you got your new job, Mom." as I said that I noticed a frown appear on her face and she sat there in silence.

I didn't want to argue with her. There was no point. It wouldn't change anything.

"I'm sorry." was all I said before getting up and walking to her car. 

She followed after me and the drive back home was quiet. 

Once we got back home I helped with the bags and walked upstairs. My mom was left alone in the living room because Edward was still at work. Once I got to my room I changed into a comfortable tank top and sweatpants.

I walked over to my book shelf and picked up a half-read book. I went over to my desk and started reading it. I was about thirty minutes into my book when I heard rustling outside my window. I slowly walked towards my window and looked out. I stood in confusion seeing that no one was there. That was until I felt a cold hand grab my shoulder. I let out a loud scream until I saw Billy.

"Billy?! What are you doing here?" 

Before he had the chance to answer there was a knock at my door.

"Hide, Billy! If my mom sees you-"

"Y/n? What's going on in there? I heard screaming. Are you alright?" she started twisting the door knob until I opened it.

"I'm fine! I was just watching a movie!" I said with a reassuring voice.

"Are you sure?" she asked 

"Mhm!" I yelled while pushing her out and locking the door.

"Well if you need anything just let me know!" she yelled through the door. 

I looked around my room in confusion not seeing Billy.

"Close call!" he quietly yelled while getting up from under my bed and jumping on it. 

"Do you want to tell me what you're doing here, Billy?" 

"You weren't at school today. I got worried." he said with a fake pout. 

"That's great but if my mom hears you she'll kill me!" 

Completely ignoring what I just said he asked,

"Why weren't you at school?" 

"I told my mom about the murders and she made me stay home today!" I whined while joining him on my bed. 

I continued on by telling Billy he should leave before my mom sees him but he refused. 

"Let's watch a movie." he said while getting up. 

I caved in and asked,

"What movie?" 

"The Exorcist." 

"I don't think I have that one." I sadly told him.

"You have Hellraiser right? We'll watch that one." 

How did he know that?

He walked towards my desk and picked up the movie placing it inside the small television in my room. He turned off my bedroom lights and joined me, once again, on my bed. 

As static appeared on the small television the two of us got comfortable

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As static appeared on the small television the two of us got comfortable. Before the movie started Billy got closer to me and placed my head on his lap. I could feel my face getting warm. He began playing with my hair. His touch felt so warm and relaxing.
Since my window was still open my room got colder by the second. I didn't want to get up though. I wanted to stay laying on Billy's lap. I assume he noticed I was cold because after about five minutes he took me off his lap, grabbed a blanket, and wrapped it around me.
It was nice and comfortable, but compared to Billy it was nothing.
I soon found myself wanting more of Billy's touch.
I boldly positioned myself to where I was laying on Billy's chest and said nothing. I could feel my heartbeat getting faster. I tried calming myself but couldn't.
Billy started caressing my bare arm, which only made the matters worse. I gasped at his sudden touch making him smirk.
He inched his face closer to mine and kissed my forehead.
I was eventually able to calm myself down and our breathing synced in with one another. Feeling his chest go up and down was almost like a soothing lullaby and with that I fell asleep in Billy's arms. 

I woke up a few hours later finding Billy sleeping next to me. I examined his face and smiled. He was so beautiful. I turned over and looked at the clock next to me. It was 10:00 p.m. I hesitantly turned to Billy ready to wake him up and ask him to leave but saw he was already awake. He smiled when I faced him. 

"Billy.. you have to go now." I told him in a sad and tired voice.

"Five more minutes." 



He got up and walked towards my window.

"I'll see you tomorrow." 

I smiled and waved to him.

"Good night, Billy."

"Good night, Y/n."

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