Chapter 11

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While walking to the premiere I couldn't shake the familiar feeling of being watched. I had finally gotten there and sighed in relief. I didn't see Billy, Stu, Noah, or even Amy. I looked around hoping to see them but found no one. I sighed in defeat and was getting ready to leave until I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me into a dark room. They pinned me against a wall and I let out a cry fearing for the worst. 

"Hey. Hey, it's me." the voice reassured me. 

It was Billy. He was wearing the same costume I was. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." 

We were still so close to each other. He didn't move an inch. My face grew warmer by the second.

"W- What are you doing, Billy?!" I asked struggling to get words out. 

Billy took off both of our masks and planted a soft kiss on my lips. This quickly escalated when he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. He moved away from my lips and started kissing down my neck looking for a weak spot. Finally finding it I let out a moan and he stopped.

"What's under here?" he asked while lifting up my costume. 

Before we could do anything else we heard a loud scream. 

I grabbed his arm and we ran to the source of the noise. 

It was the movie. Feeling a bit embarrassed, I looked over to Billy to apologize until I heard Stu.

"Hey, guys! Over here!" he yelled. 

Billy and I walked over to him and took the two empty seats he was saving for us. 

We couldn't really hear the movie because everybody in the theater was yelling

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We couldn't really hear the movie because everybody in the theater was yelling. Once the movie was over Billy walked me home. 

"Can you stay with me tonight?" I asked Billy while standing by my front door.

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah but I have to make sure my mom is sleeping first." I told him. 

I looked in my house and saw all the lights were off.

"Coast is clear!" I told him while whisper shouting. 

With that I brought him upstairs to my bedroom.
I told him to wait while I changed out of my costume and clothes. I did and wore what I usually wore every night.
By the time I got back to my room Billy had already changed out of his costume.
I walked over to my bed awkwardly and motioned for him to come. He climbed on top and laid his head on my chest.
The two of us laid there enjoying each others warm embrace and eventually drifted off to sleep. The next morning I had woken up later than expected and saw that Billy wasn't there.
I assumed he left while I was still asleep and I walked downstairs. 

I saw my mom eating breakfast in the kitchen and walked over to her.

"Mom, why didn't you wake me up?" I asked. 

I knew she didn't want me to go to school but still, this was a bit much. 

"Huh? Oh! I thought you already left." she said with a grin. 

It was obvious she was lying but there was no point in arguing.

I ran upstairs took a quick shower, changed my clothes, and brushed my teeth. I ran back downstairs and saw my mom was still there.

"Can you at least drive me to school, Mom?" I asked out of breath.

She eventually agreed and drove me there. Although she told me she wasn't going to be home today and I would have to walk back home.. again. 

By the time we got there I had already missed my first three periods and lunch. I ran to my fourth period class and barged in. I received awkward stares and took my seat. Once I saw Billy I smiled at him and he did the same. I found Stu sitting by him and waved to him.

Class was over a bit faster than I expected, but that was only because I was so late. 

I walked out of the class saying bye to both Billy and Stu, and went to my last class of the day. Journalism. I saw Amy waiting for me by the door and walked towards her.

"Hey, Amy."

"Hi, Y/n!" she yelled as she grabbed onto my arm and pulled me to sit next to her. 

Before anymore words could be exchanged we heard our teacher clear her throat.

"For this week and the next one we are going to be working on group projects. Your partner will be the person you're sitting next to." she explained.

She passed out the instructions and told us what we were going to do. 

"The papers in front of you give you many options to choose from. You and your partner will pick a topic to work on and sometime next week will present it. If you have any questions please let me know." 

Amy and I went over our options and eventually agreed on one. Once class was over she and I walked to my house and began our project. We started taking individual notes and every once in a while we would go over them with each other. We would give our opinion on the matter or note we wrote down and if we didn't agree on it we wouldn't put it down. Once we were done taking notes we began writing out a draft for the project. The draft took a bit longer than expected but we eventually finished it. We agreed on leaving some things in and taking some out. We had been working on the project for a few hours and got hungry so we got a quick meal from my kitchen and she told me even more about Mia. Hearing about the way Amy spoke about Mia felt so weird. Amy spoke about Mia in a way that made me question if we were even talking about the same person. The way she talked about Mia made her seem kind and sweet. She was far from that. After having a quick meal we got back upstairs but Amy complained that we were working too hard.

"We still have a couple days to finish this! We'll complete it later!" she cried. 


"Yay! Thank you, Y/n!" she yelled while hugging me.

It was getting a bit late. Amy was too tired to continue working and too tired to leave. She asked to sleep over which felt a bit awkward to me so I made her sleep in a guest room upstairs.

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