Chapter 6

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Billy grabbed my wrist and took me outside. We stood by the stairs leading to Stu's front door and stared at the dark sky in a comfortable silence. 

Billy stepped closer to me, our faces inches apart.

"Are you sure you're okay will all this?" Billy asked.

"I- I don't know what you mean." 

"The deaths. They don't bother you?" 

"I wasn't really close to any of them." I explained.

"Still, I mean.. you just got here. Is this something you're used to?" 

"No, but-" 

I was interrupted by the scream of a girl. 

Billy and I ran to the source of the noise. 

Laying on the cold hard floor in front of me was half a blond girl with her other half on the opposite side of a garage door. I stood there for about five minutes, observing her body.

"Are you okay?" Billy asked me.

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's just.. something about this death seems.."

"I'm going to have to ask you kids to step out of my way." was what a police officer behind me said. 

The blond girls body was moved and I caught a glimpse of her face.

It was Mia. 

Something about this death seems.. familiar.

Billy, Stu, and I, along with the other kids were brought in for questioning. 

"Due to the circumstances you are going to have to be questioned again today. Are you okay with that?" the police officer asked.


"I was told that moments before her death, you talked to Mia. Is this true?"


"What is it you spoke about?" the man asked.

"We talked about how I got questioned this morning."

"Is that all?"

"That's all." I said.

"What happened after that?" he asked.

"Excuse me?"

"She walked over to the garage after this happened right?" the man asked already knowing the answer.


"Why is that?" he asked.

"I don't remember."

I lied.

"Are you sure?" the persistent police officer asked.

"I'm sure."

"You didn't see anyone go after her?"

"No. I didn't." I told the man.

"Alright then. You're free to go." he said.


"Well if you have nothing else to say then I have no reason to keep you here. I'll have a police officer drive you back home." he insisted.

"That's okay. I'd rather walk." I told him.

When I stepped out of the police officers office I saw both Billy and Stu. I tiredly walked over to them.

"Hey, guys." 

"Hey, Y/n! Do you need a ride back home?" Stu asked.

"You don't mind?" I asked him.

"Not at all."

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