Chapter 10

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Tuesday morning I woke up to a loud alarm.

A smile appeared on my face once I remembered what happened the night before.

I struggled to leave my bed. Billy's sent was left on it.

I eventually got up and took a warm shower. This shower was different from the others. All those other times I was thinking about the recent murders and.. Ghostface. Now I was thinking about Billy. Then I remembered. If my theories about Ghostface were right it meant he would kill Billy and Stu. The three of us have gotten so close. I didn't want to think about what it would feel like losing them. I brushed those thoughts aside once I was surprised with cold water hitting my back.

I stepped out of my shower and dried myself off. I brushed my teeth and changed into clean clothes.

I walked downstairs and was handed a bowl of cereal by my mother. The two of us sat in a comfortable silence while eating breakfast. My mom offered to drive me to school but I declined. I enjoyed walking plus I needed some time to think.

Once I was done with my breakfast I packed my lunch and walked outside, I was met with a strong wind. On my way to school I couldn't help but think about Ghostface and Billy.

Once I reached my destination I walked into my first period class. Math. The class looked the same. Except.. there were three empty seats. One was for me. The others belonged to Sophia and Mia. I quickly took my seat and stared at the empty ones. Even though both Sophia and Mia were gone the class was still as loud as ever. I took a few glances at Stu wondering if he was next. He just smiled at me every time I looked his way. I looked towards Noah with hatred in my eyes. Was he the killer? Was he really going to kill both Billy and Stu?

Once class was over Stu offered to walk me to my next class and I accepted. It was Science. I was supposed to be seated by Sophia and Mia in this class but their seats were empty, once again. This is what I wanted right? Peace and quiet? New information? This class was even louder than the last. No shocker there.

Once Science was over I walked to my next class, English. I tried hiding the smile that was on my face. Billy was in this class. The smile immediately left my face once I remembered who else was in this class. Noah.

I took my seat and sneaked a few angry glances at Noah. My eyes immediately softened once I saw Billy. He smiled at me when I looked his way. Just like the night before. This class was quiet unlike the others. This was no shock considering everyone knew how strict this teacher was. Once class was over Billy grabbed my wrist and took me with him. We sat on the familiar bench we did on my first day of school. Sitting next to us was Stu, Noah, and his girlfriend, Amy.

"Hey, guys!" was all the pretty brunette said.

She continued on by talking about how her classes were. Nobody looked interested in what she was saying until,

"Hey, are you guys going to the Stab premiere tonight?" Amy asked.

"There's a premiere tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah! Ever since the murders started up again the movie has been getting more attention! So will you come?" she asked with excitement in her voice.

I looked over to Billy and Stu, they nodded.

"Yeah, I'll go." I said before taking a bite out of the strawberry I had in my hand.

"Yay!" she yelled.

I walked over to fourth period class with Billy on my right side and Stu on my left. Once we got there we took our seats and begun taking notes. This class was a mixture of all my other classes. It was loud and quiet.

Once this class was over I walked over to my favorite and last class of the day. Journalism. As I walked in there I was met with the same familiar brunette I spoke to earlier. She was in my class. That explains why she looked so familiar the first time I met her. Once she saw me she walked over to me and hugged me. She was so different compared to Mia. How were the two friends?

"Hi, Y/n!" she yelled.

"Hi, Amy." I said not hugging her back.

She was probably going to get killed too. I didn't want to get attached to her. Still, her embrace felt.. nice.

She took a seat next to mine and the both of us began writing.

"What are you writing about?" she asked while staring at my screen.

I covered my screen and lied.

"Climate change!" I said with a grin.

I was writing about the recent murders. I just didn't want to tell her that I was writing about how I thought her boyfriend was Ghostface.

Once class was over Amy insisted on walking me home so she did.

I unlocked my front door and walked upstairs with Amy after greeting my mother. I then remembered that I had forgotten to cover up my murder board. Before we walked in I stopped her and said I had to do something first.

"You can come in now!" I yelled while opening my door.

"I like your room!" she told me.

The two of us didn't really have much to do so she ended up telling me all about Mia. I soon grew tired of hearing about it and was about to say something until I heard ringing.

"I'll go get it! You stay here!" I yelled while rushing downstairs with a sense of relief.


"Hello, Y/n." the familiar voice spoke.

It was "Ghostface".


"I heard you were going to the premiere tonight."

I froze.

"I'll see you there."

"Noah..?" I asked.

The person on the other line hung up and I stood there shocked and confused until I heard Amy yell something from upstairs.

"Hey, I'm going to go now! I want to go get dressed for the movie! I'll see you there."

I ran upstairs realizing I should get dressed too. I put on comfortable clothes and the Ghostface costume I had over it. I wore this to hide from Noah. I was so sure he was Ghostface and I was going to be his next victim.
Once I had gotten dressed I left my house quietly and went to the premiere. I didn't know how my mother would react so I didn't bother asking her if I could go.

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