Chapter 5

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Early in the morning I was awoken, not by my alarm, but by my doorbell.

Maybe mom got home early.

I answered the door and was shocked to see a police officer by my door. It was the same one I spoke to at school. What was he doing here?

"Hello? Do you need something?" I asked tiredly.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm here to talk about Sophia Brown. I heard she was a friend of yours. Were you two close?"

"Not really. Why? Did something happen to her?" I asked with a bit of interest in my voice.

"Um.. She was murdered yesterday. At a friends house."

"Why aren't they being questioned?" I asked.

"They have an alibi. They suggested that we questioned you."

"I was at home all night!" I quietly yelled.

He didn't seem very convinced.

"Do you have anyone who can back up your statement?"

"Yes. I do, actually. I was with Billy Loomis and Stu Macher!"

"That's a bit strange because I was informed that Billy Loomis and Stu Macher were at the party."

"They were but they came to my house after! I wanted to watch a movie!"

"And what movie was that, Ms. L/n?"

"..Stab" I said with a bit of hesitation in my voice.

"I'm going to have to confirm this with the two." he said trying to act intimidating.

"Do you need anything else then?"

"I guess not. Do you have anything you want to tell us?" he asked.

"No. I don't."

The police officer than left my house and it was later confirmed that I was with Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. I also found out who told the police officer to question me. It was Mia. Did she actually think I murdered Sophia? Or did she just do it to cover her own tracks? Also, why did they kill Sophia so soon? Why not Noah? Unless.. No matter, this means I have more information on the killer.

There is one thing I was sure of. The killer was at the party. Meaning he was most likely a student. This killer loves the attention, if they're going to strike again, it's going to be in a place with multiple people. A party. I went onto my computer and found out Stu was throwing a party tonight at 8:00 p.m. Not just any party. It was a costume party. I wasn't invited but that's okay. It's better if no one knew I was there. While on my computer I searched for nearby costume stores. There were a couple but they were about a 30 minute drive from me and I couldn't drive. I would have to walk.

I ate breakfast slowly and walked out my front door around 8:00 a.m

I couldn't exactly run because if I did I would have thrown up my breakfast.

I finally reached my destination and with that I walked inside. There were a few costumes, but none that really pleased me. I needed one with a mask. I didn't want people to know I was there. I was getting ready to pick a pirate costume until I saw a worker restocking shelves. They were Ghostface costumes. They were a bit expensive but it was just what I needed. I picked up one of the costumes hesitantly.

Was this insensitive?

After thinking about it for a while I decided to go for it. It was for a good cause.

Once I was finished paying I walked out the store and started walking home. The whole way there I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched.

By the time I got home it was around 10:00, I still had some time to spare so I planned on taking a quick nap.

A quick nap that lasted about seven hours. By the time I woke up it was already 5:45 p.m.

My stomach was growling when I woke up so I ate some leftovers. Once I was done I quickly washed my dishes and ran up stairs. I took a towel and brought it with me. I got into the warm shower that awaited me. The feeling of every individual drop running down my body was relaxing. As I was in there I had some time to think.

What would I do if I caught the killer?

Would I turn him in?

That was originally my plan but after obsessing over him for so long my feelings changed. If I turned him in what would I do? He was the only thing I had. Without him I would go back to the same boring life I had. My life has drastically changed and I honestly think it's for the best.

As I felt the water getting colder I soon realized I had been in there for too long. I quickly stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body. I walked over to my room and took the towel off. I changed into some clothes and put the costume over them. I dried my hair and was ready to go. I took the mask with me and left my house.

Before going into Stu's house I quickly put on my mask and walked in. I was met with people wearing the same costume I was. No surprise there.

I sat on a couch in front of a small tv and watched what was playing. It was Friday the 13th. I was getting ready to leave after getting tired of Noah's jokes until I saw someone sit next to me.

Sitting next to me was Stu wearing the same costume I was. Billy stood behind me.

"Hey, Y/n!"


Was I that obvious?

"Hey, guys." I said nervously.

Billy took a seat next to me.

"I heard what happened to Sophia, are you okay? he asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. We weren't really close." I explained while taking off my mask.

Billy and Stu looked at each other and said nothing.

During the movie I rested my head on Billy's shoulder.

Not because I was tired.

During the movie Billy started playing with my hair and I could feel my face getting warmer. He continued doing this until I heard a voice.

"Hey, Billy!"

It was Mia wearing her cheerleading uniform as a costume. She looked angry when she saw how close Billy and I were.

"Y/n! I didn't know you were here! I thought you were too busy getting questioned by the police!" she teased.

Before I could say anything Billy interrupted me.

"Mia can you grab me a beer from the garage?"

"Sure!" she smiled.

While she headed towards the garage Stu got up to use the bathroom and I was left alone with Billy.

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