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Disclaimer: All events that has and will happen in this story are all fake and just based on my imagination.

Jay Pov

I walked in the hallways with my group enhpen and everyone was staring at us until I spotted a familiar figure and it was Giselle that bitch. I was sceptical of her outfit because she was covered head to toe and she does not dress like that more or less she is with a guy and her sister. I was lost in my thoughts when Heeseung hyung tapped my shoulder, I turned around and saw a lipstick smudge on his lips. "Who did you makeout with this time?" I asked raising my eybrow, "Claire" he said smirking, I rolled my eyes and said "Really? The school's president?!" he just nodded. "Tsk, I can't believe you..... Anyway did you receive the invitation for this weekend?" I asked "Yeah and I just have to find an outfit that's black and white only" he answered "Me too, bye" I said walking away still staring at Giselle and that guy who seems to be close with them.

Time Skip to 2:30 pm

Yeonjun Pov

It was my free period and decided to visit my fiance Yeji. I arrived at their building and saw her practising a recipe wearing her apron and hat, I chuckled and she heard then looked at me. "Yeonjun? What are you doing here?" she asked me and I smiled at her and said "I wanna take you out, come on", "But I still have to finish this" she said "Okay I will just wait for you, I don't have any classes after this so I will just taste your cooking" I  said taking a seat infront of her, she blushed and just nodded saying "I-If that's what you want" I just chuckled and watched her cook, after a few minutes she was tasting her soup and came up to me to taste if it was good. "Taste it and tell me if it taste good" she said when I opened my mouth and tasted the soup "It's good but..." "But what?" she asked, I didn't answer instead I stood up, grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her, she widened her eyes while I just continue kissing her. I pulled out and said "That's better" "W-why d-did you do that?" she aked stuttering "Do what?" I asked "You took my first kiss!" she said and I just laughed "Of course I'll take it I am your fiance and I should have your first kiss" I said "That's not fair!" she pouted "All right, I am sorry" I said and pulled her in for a hug and she hugged me back, while smiled.

Soobin Pov

I was walking by the music room and heared a beautiful voice, it lured me inside the room and I found a girl singing while playing the piano, after she finished I clapped my hands. She looked at me shocked and asked "Since when were you there?" "Just a few minutes ago and by the way you have an amazing voice, you should enter in the Singing Competition happening in three months" I answered "Thank you, no one really knew about me singing" she said looking away sad "Oh why?" I asked coming closer to her, "My parents don't really approve of me singing because they say it's useless and can make you no money" she answered, I felt bad and pat her back "It's okay, just chase your dreams, and you don't need your parents for that all you need is support and I will be happy to give it to you" I said smiling while she look back at me widening her eyes "Really you would do that for someone you just met?" she asked "Of course,everyone deserves to live out their dream and I feel happy helping people" I answered and she smiled "Thank you uh?" "Soobin" "Well Thank you Soobin! I am Lia nice to meet you!" she said "Nice to meet you and do you want to get to know each other more?" I asked and she nodded and said yes, we went out of the room together and started talking.

Chaeryeong Pov

I was walking to the library to study when someone suddenly called me. "Hey Ms. Beautiful" the guy said as I turned around with an uninterested look that turned into a shocked look because it was Sunghoon's brother leaning on the wall.

(A/N: OMG! Taehyun is so handsome😭 Sorry but I might have to change bias again😭)

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(A/N: OMG! Taehyun is so handsome😭 Sorry but I might have to change bias again😭)

I won't lie he looked hella handsome and masculine, but I can't fall for him because we live in two different worlds, so snap out of it Chaeryeong, I thought to myself and didn't even realize he was now inches away from me. I got startled but decided to play it cool and asked "What do you want?" "You" he whispered in my ear and pulled me towards him by the waist, I tried to push him but he was obviously stronger. "Why me?" I asked "Cause I want you. You're the only one that caught attention" he said and kiss my neck and left a hickey. I pushed him away with all my strength and widened my eyes at him while this handsome asshole just smirked and walked away. "What the fuck just happened?!" I whisper yelled and just walked towards the library.

Yuna Pov

After my classes my sister, Jeongin oppa, and I went to nearby cafe to catch up. I arrived and saw them already sitting there, I waved at them and waved back, I walked towards our tabled and sat down. "So, how are you doing now oppa?" I asked "I am doing great, happy, single and..." he stopped "And what?" my sister asked "And Gay bitches!" Jeongin oppa screamed while we clapped "Wow! Oppa why did you tell us just now?!" I asked "I wanted to wait for the perfect moment and here it is!" we just smiled at him and congratulated him, we ordered drinks and started to catch up when oppa suddenly said something. "Oh I almost forgot! Here are invitations to my Family's Welcome Back party and you can invite all your friends!" he said "Really?! Thank you!" Giselle unnje and I said in unison hugging Jeongin oppa. After 2 hours we parted ways and Giselle unnie and I headed back to our dorm rooms.

To be continued...

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