Born Into This World

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So, ahem... I was actually writing a love story for the request by Sanjjana4

But there was a power cut, so I started shuffling my Playlist and stopped writing.

So, that story is on pause for now, unfortunately. Will be released later...

Meanwhile, after that I got this troupe out of nowhere... But it was good, so I thought I should write for all of you to read.

So, here it is Born into this world, featuring Bigil.

I know, I know.... Few might ask why Bigil of all things. Now it is stereotypical and cringe at few places. But Rayappan's character worked so well for me.

And also the combo scenes, I believe there is depth that one can enjoy writing in both the characters.

This includes both headcanons and what ifs, (bigil doesn't have a sister here.)

Rayappan doesn't blame his father. His father made him an alcoholic at the age of 12 and handed him a weapon at the age of 16.

He doesn't blame his father because even though his father gave them to him... HE took them... HE held on to them.

He doesn't blame his father... He just wishes he had a better one.

It takes him a long time to understand that the blade  in his hands is not the only weapon for the peace he craves.

It takes him longer to understand that the blade in his hands can never completely bring the peace his heart wants.

Like a lot of his peers, he doesn't get addicted to the blade or the blood. He knows that it doesn't matter if the blood on his blade is of a saint or a sinner, it is still blood and it will still be red.

It will always be red.

He remembers all his kills, he wishes he could take back every single one of them. But doesn't regret even one.

Because his role is too save thousands by killing hundreds.

The hundreds never stop coming tho, more and more join this game of killing.

Some for revenge, some for power, some for safety, some for peace.

What they don't know is that all this life could possibly fetch them is blood.

Rayappan knows that something has to happen that will show his people that this is not the way of life.

So, he tries...he tries with spirituality, he tries with education, he tries with money, he tries with politics.

Everything goes around and around. Because all of these are polluted. He realises that education is posiibly  the only way for his people to develop.

But education takes  passion and time, the former is stolen from his people and the latter is never developed.

He gives up, almost..

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