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- warnings: cursing -

- nobodys pov -

(also its around the end of April btw, like April 29th)

A few weeks had passed since Latte, Espresso, and Madeleine had met up at the cafe. For the most part, the three had gone their separate ways. School had started back up again, so Espresso and Latte were busy teaching their students. Madeleine was still working in the Royal Guard, training for whatever a Knight Commander trains for. 

Espresso was still pissed about the whole situation, though.

 Every time he saw Madeleine in the kingdom, he thought right back to what had happened before. He was revolted looking at him. What an egotistical asshole. Latte had tried to get him to apologize, but that wasn't going to work. Espresso hated Madeleine. Why in the world would he apologize to him? Madeleine deserved it anyway.

- - - - -

"Class, class." Espresso spoke over the students in the room. "Please open your books to page 373."

Espresso taught eighth grade at the Parfaedia Institute, so trying to teach a bunch of 14 year olds the basics of coffee magic was no easy task. They were loud, annoying, and never listened. Kinda like Madeleine.

(some quick info about the school for my au- the school is grades 5-8 and its kinda like a middle school but with more grades. so espresso teaches the highest grade level and the most advanced class at the school)

Espresso's class was the only coffee magic course you could take at the Parfaedia Institute, and it was only open to year eight students. It was also the most advanced class. Many students didn't actually sign up to take the class; instead they were put in when the magic classes they did sign up for were already full. 

Some students, however, only signed up because of Espresso. Espresso was the youngest teacher in the school, since he was only 21 years old. Many kids thought that he would be lax on the rules because he was only a couple years older than them.

But they were wrong. In fact, Espresso was the most strict teacher in the entire institute.

So most of the class wasn't exactly the best at coffee magic, let alone interested. It was a difficult task, but Espresso was up to the challenge. Even if his classes did annoy the shit out of him sometimes.


The students opened up their books and quieted down. "As you all know," Espresso began, "We have final exams coming up next month over all the material you have learned over the course of the year.

"The next few weeks are going to be spent preparing for your exams. We are going to go over basic information now. I'll pass out your study guides for the final shortly." He adjusted his glasses, then turned around towards the chalkboard.

He wrote:

Coffee magic: basic facts

"Now, I'm going to ask you simple questions about coffee magic. Please use your book to help you answer them.

"First question, in what tribe where the earliest records of coffee magic found?"

There was the sound of pages flipping as the students looked for the answer. Apricot raised her hand. 

Apricot was 14 years old. She was bright, bubbly, and an extremely smart kid. She was also one of the only students who was good at coffee magic. 

She wore a orange lacy dress with flower print, an orange bow, and wavy orange hair tied up in a ponytail. Her skin was tan, and she also had beautiful orange eyes.

I can't stand him - EspresseleineWhere stories live. Discover now