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- warnings: cursing -

- 3rd person pov: focusing on espresso -

(also black raisin's nickname is raisin so she will be called that  a few times in this chapter. btw read the authors note at the bottom, cuz i have some important info about my au to talk about ^__^)

Espresso began walking down the ramp, rolling his suitcase along side him. Before stepping into the water, he carefully lifted up his suitcase and decided to carry it, as he didn't want it getting soaked in ocean water. Espresso was thankful he did, too. Because the second he stepped into the water, it was already up to his waist.

Great. Now he was soaking wet.

Everybody else soon followed into the water, and they began walking to the island. It was still at least a mile away, which meant it could take almost an hour to walk there at this rate. Espresso could hear Madeleine sulking behind them, but he decided to just tune him out and try to ignore him.

That, however, would prove to be useless. As Madeleine would walk right up to Espresso and tried to strike up a conversation with him.

"Hello Espresso!" Madeleine said eagerly.

Espresso began to walk faster to try to get away from that asshole. "Leave me alone." he growled, "I have no intentions of talking to you."

"I-" Madeleine began, but Espresso was already far ahead from him. It was hard to walk fast in this water, but it had gone down a bit. But the heat was really getting to him, and even in the water it was still incredibly hot. 

Herb, who had been swimming the entire time, swam up to Espresso. He pointed to his suitcase. "Do you want me to take that?"

"It's a bit heavy, are you sure?" Espresso asked. "I mean, you can take it if you would like."

Herb eagerly grabbed his suitcase, dove underwater, and swam off. Now that his suitcase was gone, Espresso could actually walk much faster to get away from Madeleine. Why was he trying to talk to him anyways? Espresso thought that he had made it clear that he was not interested in talking to Madeleine AT ALL. But Madeleine was stupid. Espresso had known him since he was five, and he wasn't exactly the smartest kid. 

Espresso soon realized what Herb was doing. He had tied all of the suitcases together with some sort of thread (where did he even get that?) and was making some sort of raft to float on. Sparkling and Lilac were already on it, trying to knock each other over. Espresso moved closer to see what was going on, but Lilac pushed Sparkling over the edge, knocking him into the water. There was a huge splash, and Espresso was now completely drenched. His hair was completely flat against his face, and he couldn't see out of his glasses. 

Sparkling popped his head out of the water before bursting into laughter. 

"Espresso-" he laughed, gasping for breath, "you look- y-you look really fucking s-stupid AKFJ:SF:ALSFJ:LS"

Madeleine had caught up to Espresso now and began laughing as well. "Haha! Espresso, your hair looks very different when its wet."

Espresso decided to get Madeleine back for that and used his magic to quickly float above the water and surprise him. While Madeleine still didn't know what going on, he quickly pushed him over and down below the water.

Now Madeleine looked like an idiot. His hair, which was normally a very light blonde, was now brown. Espresso preferred to see his hair blonde, it looked weird when it was brown.

I can't stand him - EspresseleineWhere stories live. Discover now