🛡 quick update

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- warnings: cursing -

(if u dont wanna read all of this, scroll down to the bottom to see the tldr ^__^)

HAI!! so u guys may have noticed that i haven't been updating this fanfic in a while. so i wanted to give a quick update

first thing first, i am NOT abandoning this fanfic. i was working on a chapter, but i was suffering burnout and was highly unmotivated. after this is posted, i'll be working on a new chapter right away.

next, i need to discuss some changes to this book. mostly regarding my au.

you know how i said this au was taking place in the hollyberry kingdom?

well, i've been rethinking that decision. i want my au to kinda relate to the actual canon, and madeleine is canonically a knight in the vanilla kingdom. and i think raspberry is a knight in the hollyberry kingdom so that makes zero sense. 

me and my friend (who is also writing a fanfic) were trying to think about rewriting my au. and we had an idea. you know how there was this big ass war going on between dark enchantress and the rest of the ancients?? well in my au that war is still going on. they had the final battle, but the war was still unresolved. and the ancients wanted to keep fighting because they couldn't just let dark enchantress win. there hasn't been a battle in a LONG LONG time, but they know there will be an actual final battle soon. 

(also i don't know if the war is still going on in the actual game, i tried to do research and found nothing. lmk if it is still going on in game)

so what does this have to do with my au?

madeleine is in the vanilla kingdom, raspberry is in the hollyberry kingdom, and there's this war going on. but we need raspberry and madeliene to work together. me and my friend came up with an idea.

what if the hollyberry kingdom and the vanilla kingdom merge together?

you might be thinking: why would they do that? that makes no sense lmao

let me explain.

the vanilla kingdom and the hollyberry kingdom worked very close together in my au. plus, in my au, they kingdoms were also close to each other in location. they also had large armies. if they merged together, they would have a much bigger army, and they would have a much higher chance of winning the war.

does that make sense? 

so that's what im going to do. merge the vanilla and hollyberry kingdom together. it would work best for my au and i could keep most of the original storyline. and i know a lot of ppl like the storyline i have. plus, by merging the kingdoms, raspberry and madeleine could work together.

i'm not sure what to call the merged kingdoms tho, so lmk in the comments. maybe the pureberry kingdom or something? like i said i need suggestions.

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another thing. right now, the group is still on the tropical soda islands (spoilers if u haven't read that far lol)

im not going to go back and change every single mention of the hollyberry kingdom. because that would be a waste of my time. so just..pretend that it has always been the pure vanilla and hollyberry kingdom merged together. when espresso and madeleine and everybody else get back from their trip, i'll incorporate this so it makes more sense.

espresso still talked to the royalberry king and queen because they were the organizers of the event. or something. the rulers of both kingdoms work together.

(i really hope that makes sense)

if you guys need any more clarification lmk!! i'd be happy to explain because this probably made no sense.



i'm merging the hollyberry and vanilla kingdoms together into one big kingdom to help keep my lore consistent and semi-relate to the actual canon. in the earlier chapters, just pretend they were always merged. this concept will be further explained later on.

the group is still on the trip in the tropical soda islands.

i hope you guys are okay with this decision and i hope you will all continue to read my fanfic. let me know what you think down below ^__^

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