Prologue: circus

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Rachel Mary Grayson/ Bluewing
Gender: Female
Age: 16 in the main story
Appearance: Black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, thin and flexible
Ability: knife-throwing, aerial hammock, hand to hand combat
Weapons: telescopic rod, advanced aerial silk, knifes

Rachel is the eldest of the Flying Graysons, she is the best acrobat and aerial dancer on earth. She likes to be called Rae. She joined a troupe formed by Jack Haly's daughter to live the legacy of her parents. Rachel is 4 years older than Dick, she became a vigilante when she's 15. She used to be friend with Luke Fox back in Gotham Academy, he helped her sneak out some cutting-edged product from Wayne inc.

The story focused when she joined the Young Justice team, and had to hide her true identity from Batman and Robin. Read to find out why!

Jamie Haly
The daughter of Jack Haly(owner of Haly's circus), former aerial hammock performer. Retired and formed a troupe "Feather" after injury. The only two person who knows about Bluewing and cover for Rachel everyday. A truly close and trust worthy friend of the Graysons.

Young Justice members
Justice League
Jason Todd
Tim Drake
Damian Wayne
(I assume you know them all :))

Let the story begin.


Circus. That's where my story began, the one and only Haly's Circus.

"C'mon Rae, you can do this, Tati will catch you." My Tati......Dad said, he held his hands in midair ,looking at me upside down.
I looked at the ground, we were at the top of the tent, 10 metres away from it while a safety net was casted below us.

Tati held himself with his foots on the trapeze, swinging back and forth and reaching his hands still at me. It wasn't a far jump, and I knew I wouldn't get hurt because of the safety net, but i was scared. Scared of falling, scared of not being good enough as a Flying Grayson.

"You can do it, sweetheart!" Mami was watching on the other side, she wasn't flying though, since she was pregnant with my little brother.
10seconds later, which felt like a million years, I approached fearfully and jumped.

I reached my hands high up, staring at Tati's hands as he caught me easily. I could feel the sweat in my palm, but he held me still, tight enough to make me feel safe.
"vezi, tu zbori !" Tati said in our mother tongue, it means :See,you're flying!
I'm! I am flying now! I thought excitedly. Even I was still scared of the height, a small smirk escaped from my lips, I couldn't help but enjoy the fresh air blowing my face and the feeling of freedom.

I felt like a bird, a fledgling first learnt to fly.

Tati started moving, using his legs to swing the trapeze. The unsure feeling was back in my head, the centrifugal force was trying to pull me to the ground .
"Fly to Mary." He said gently, back to English tongue, my parents always urged me to learn the common tongue so I won't be struggled while communicating with our audiences.

Mami was standing on the other platform, she smiled sweetly and reached out her hands.
"Go Rachel go!"
"You can do it honey!"
All of my family, the members of the Haly's Circus were standing on ground, cheering for me.

Mister Haly, Jamie , Mr.Muscle the strong man, they were all cheering for me. So I took a leap of faith, being fearless because of my family. At the furthest swing, I let go of Tati's hands and flew in sky. Eventually I landed properly on the platform and immediately embraced by a hug.

"You did it Rae!" Mami held me tightly, everyone clapped for me, I could feel my little brother kicking in her belly.
"Little Dick is happy too!" I yelled and put my hand on Mami's stomach.
"Little Dick?' She laughed at the name and asked," Where did you come up with this name?'
"He is a boy! And uncle Haly talked about a man is a dick!" I replied enthusiastically.

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