The New Life

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The darkness of Gotham City reached to us from the car window, the cold LED light, cloudy voided sky, and the violent night. This horrible city was filled with murderous maniac, bat-liked cosplayer and corruption. Jamie told me Gotham was the worst out of all the cities, their only light was come from our circus. But now this horrible city took it away, it took it's only brightness away.

The 9-years-old boy fell asleep again on my lap, I rubbed his cheek and warm his body. It didn't work effectively since I was freezing cold and shaking from the tragedy.

The car drove into a grey concrete centre, it was a prison for young people. We didn't deserve to be in here, we were the victims and were sent to this place by a reason that I didn't believe. I felt so powerless.

The lady walked off the car and I shook Dick awake as I didn't have the strength to carry him again.

She talked to another lady, she had dark skin and round body. I had a bad feeling that they were gonna tear us apart just because we were different gender. I couldn't let it happen, I need to be tough.
"Are you going to separate us?" I asked in my most innocent tone possible"please, he is my only brother, can you let us stay together?"

I asked softly and stared at them with my puppy dog eyes( Uncle Haly could never resist it), I doubted it would work but the lady just sighed and nodded. I guess they still some kindness in their heart. I smiled small and held on to Dick's skinny shoulder.

I won't let anything happen to him.


The centre was a disaster, the guards were mean,the kids were mean, even the food were mean. I was 12 but I could definitely cook better than their chefs. Dick didn't talk much or eat much, heck I hadn't seen him smile in a week. All he did was staring into the void and it hurled my heart badly. He sobbed every night and shocked awake from nightmares .

Fortunately, I slept in the same cell with him and I was allowed to comfort him from the terror. Nightmares bothered me too, I saw Tati and Mami's dead bodies every night, my hands covered with their crimsoned blood. Still, I rarely got enough sleep, the whole world just turned on me for some reasons.

Yesterday a group of teenagers picked on us, a girl slapped me in the face and I pushed her on the ground. Let's say I learnt some new word like 'Bitch' and 'Fuck'. I wasn't sure what it means but Mami would not be happy to hear this.

The one month was long, I tried my best to avoid any danger and chaos caused in the centre, we mostly hid in some corner and prayed no bitches would find us. We became good at hiding, blended in the shadow without anyone noticed. Dick relied on me more than ever, we were close before the incident but now we were conjoined. I was glad at least one thing worked out according to the plan.

"Rachel Mary Grayson and Richard John Grayson?" A guard called us out, Dick hid behind my back as the man approached to us.
I nodded and held Dick's hand.
"Follow me ."He said emotionlessly, we followed while the other teens stared at us unkindly.

Bye bitch.I thought to myself, a month was over, whoever that Wayne man was, he should be here to get us out of this living hell.
"Where are we going?" Dick asked.
"Out of here, little bird."

At the front door, Mr.Wayne was waiting in front of the counter, the same fat lady was smiling nervously next to him. She must be scared of him.
"There you are kiddo."she said hypothetically.
Dick rolled his eyes and I didn't even bother to react.

"Mr.Wayne." I greeted him politely, Tati said people like polite children.
I noticed that Dick was hiding from him again, I didn't know about him but as long as he was willing to protect Dick, it's good enough for me.
"Call me Bruce."he smiled at us and reached out his hand. I shook it shortly and was surprised by how rough his hand was.

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